Viferon for newborns

Return sick kid health without drugs and in the shortest possible time - the dream of any parent. Immunostimulating drugs are the main solution to this problem for colds. Viferon for infants is one of the most effective and safe drugs today.

Pharmacological properties of the preparation and form of release

Viferon is a drug created on the basis of α-2β interferon, vitamins C and E. It has an active antiviral and immunostimulating action. It is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of viral infections. There are no side effects, in addition, this drug can reduce the therapeutic dose of antibiotics and their toxic effect.

Types of Viferon:

Ointment Viferon for newborns

In this form, the drug is used in cases of papillomas, inflammation or other skin infections. In addition, it is approved for use even by premature and weakened children and women during pregnancy for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

Gel Viferon

It is used to treat children with recurrent stenosing laryngotraheal necrosis. It is applied to the mucous membrane with a cotton swab.

The difference between gel and ointment is that the gel dries the mucous, and the ointment moisturizes it. So the use of this or that form of the drug depends on the condition of the mucous child.

Candles Viferon for newborns

Excellent used in a complex against infectious and inflammatory diseases in children (possibly even premature and weak), including SARS and viral hepatitis .

Dosage of Viferon for newborns

Gel and ointment are applied to the skin and mucous membranes locally.

For prophylaxis Viferon for newborns (including premature babies born beyond 34 weeks) in the form of candles is assigned to 150 000 IU 1 pc. every 12 hours for at least 5 days. Premature infants with age less than 34 weeks - the dosage and course are the same, but every 8 hours.

The recommended scheme for the treatment of many infectious and inflammatory diseases is mainly 1-2 courses. Break between courses for at least 5 days.

But before you start treatment with this drug, it is best to consult a pediatrician and carefully study the instructions for the use of Viferon for newborns.