The size of the uterus is normal

Norms in anatomy are relative terms. The norm is a certain average value of the indicator, which varies in one direction or the other. For example, there are certain norms for the growth of the average person, but at the same time all people of different heights and this norm correspond to only a few. The same can be said about the size of other human organs. In this article we will talk about the size of the uterus in the norm. You will learn what sizes the uterus should be, how to determine its size, and also many other useful information on this topic.

So, what are the sizes of the uterus considered to be the norm? It turns out that these figures are different for women who have given birth and have not yet given birth. There are four categories of normal uterine size in the uzi.

1. For a woman who never became pregnant and, therefore, did not give birth, the normal size of the uterus is as follows:

2. If a woman had an unsuccessful pregnancy that did not end with childbirth (miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, etc.), then the size of her uterus will still differ from the previous ones and will average 53, 50 and 37 mm, respectively.

3. At the held mom, who brought the baby to the light, the size of the uterus is even greater - 58, 54 and 40 mm.

4. The size of the uterus in postmenopausal women differs from those given above. The reason for this is the cardinally changing hormonal background of a woman. These figures can vary even within the same menstrual cycle, so what can we say about such a powerful hormonal surge as the period of menopause. And the fluctuation of the norm here is even greater than in the previous three points. For example, the length of the uterus (which, as you already know, should be about 58 mm) can range from 40 to 70 mm.

Uterus of small size

Gynecologists often call it a nursery, or infantile uterus, because its size is much smaller than usual. In particular, the length of the baby uterus ranges from 30 to 50 mm, and there may also be inconsistencies in other parameters, for example, the uterus can be twice as long, and its thickness and volume, on the contrary, is much less than the norm.

Such situations occur because the girl's reproductive system at some point suddenly ceases to develop and remains at the same level. At the same time, not only the size of the uterus "suffers", but its main function is procreation.

With the diagnosis of "infantile womb" you can get pregnant, and endure, and have a baby. To do this, a woman should undergo a special treatment, which is aimed at the growth of uterine tissues under the influence of hormonal drugs.

Increased size of the uterus

With the increase in the uterus, women mostly experience menopause, but in reproductive age this problem also arises quite often. The size of the uterus can vary throughout the life of a woman: this organ increases during puberty, grows rapidly during pregnancy, and then gradually decreases after delivery. But these are physiological changes, and the uterus may increase for other reasons. Among them, there are three most common diseases:

The main symptoms of these diseases are a significant deviation from the average size of the uterus, as well as an irregular menstrual cycle, abdominal pain, urinary incontinence, flatulence, anemia due to significant blood loss in case of profuse menstruation, problems with conception and bearing of children. By these signs the gynecologist can suspect the disease and prescribe additional examinations. An increase in the uterus is treated by various methods, which directly depend on the cause of the disease.