The child does not sit at 8 months old

Every mom wants her baby to master all the skills as soon as possible, well, or at least in due time. But not always everything goes according to plan and it so happens that the child does not sit at 8 months, and does not even want to do it, and relatives begin to sound the alarm. Let's look at the reasons and find out what to do in this situation.

Why does the child not sit alone at 8 months?

Immediately it should be noted that all kinds of neurological and orthopedic problems that affect the development of the motor activity of the child, we will not consider. To do this, there are qualified specialists who observe such children, and prescribe adequate treatment.

Most often, the reasons why a child does not sit at 8 months, lie in the weakness of the muscular system and in heredity, because it is noticed that the children are very similar to their dads and mothers, not only outwardly, but also in development. With genetics you can not argue, but to strengthen the baby's muscles is quite realistic.

Massage for a child of 8 months, which does not sit

Of course, if a child lags behind in development, then the massage should be performed by a qualified specialist, but you can learn the basics of restorative massage yourself.

All movements should be pleasant to the kid and be conducted only at its good mood. The room where the massage and gymnastics is held should be warm and without drafts.

For the massage methods of rubbing, stroking, patting and sawing are used. Most attention should be paid to the back, neck and shoulder girdle of the child, as well as pens. First, the body is warmed by stroking neat movements, and then proceeds to more active influences. Do not forget about the simple gymnastics for pens and legs.

Carrying out a daily exercise, supplemented by a massage, my mother will soon notice the progress in the behavior of the child, most importantly, do not let things slide.