Sour cabbage soup

Shchi are considered a real Russian dish, as this soup was first started to be cooked in Russia. Let's take a look at some recipes for cooking delicious and fragrant cabbage soup with you.

Sour cabbage soup recipe



Let's figure out how to cook cabbage soup with cabbage soup. In a saucepan pour about 2 liters of cold boiled water, put the processed meat, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil. This time, we clean the root of celery, 1 carrot and 1 onion. Reduce the heat to a minimum, remove the foam from the broth, put the vegetables and cook for about 1.5 hours.

Quail cabbage squeezed, if necessary, washed and cut into small pieces. Now take the saucepan, put a little oil, warm it, spread cabbage, add a little tomato paste, cumin and stew for 30 minutes under the lid. The remaining bulb and carrots are cleaned, crushed and wessed in a separate frying pan in vegetable oil until golden. Then season vegetables with black pepper, fennel seeds and fry for 5 minutes, continuously, stirring.

Then spread the remaining tomato paste, mix, bring to a boil and remove gently from the fire. We peel the potatoes and shred them into cubes. Greenery is washed and crushed, and garlic is squeezed through the press.

Now gently take the meat out of the broth and cut it into small pieces. Broth filter into a clean pan and bring to a boil. In a frying pan, heat the remaining creamy oil and fry the flour until golden. Then lay out all the prepared ingredients in a saucepan with meat broth, salt and cook sour cabbage soup with sauerkraut for another 15 minutes.

Salad cabbage soup with sauerkraut



Kvasshenuyu cabbage crushed and put in fireproof dishes. Then pour half a cup of boiled water, a little vegetable oil and put the pot in a heated oven, and then reduce the heating temperature to 120 degrees and cook cabbage for 2.5 hours. Do not waste time in vain, rinse thoroughly dry mushrooms, pour them with boiling water and leave for about half an hour to swell. After that we put them on the fire and boil for about an hour. Once the mushrooms are ready, gently remove them with a noisy, slightly cool and cut medium-sized slices, and mushroom broth filter through cheesecloth.

Carrots with onions are cleaned, cut into cubes, and carrots shred straws and fry the vegetables in a frying pan until easy blushing. Next lay out the mushrooms and fry another 15 minutes. Half an hour before the end of the cabbage, we put cooked roast into it, pour some mushroom broth.

Meanwhile, put the remaining broth on the stove and warm it until it boils. Potatoes are cleaned and cut arbitrarily. As soon as the cabbage is cooked in the oven, we take it out and pour it into the hot mushroom broth along with the potatoes and cook the soup until it is ready. When serving delicious cabbage soup from sauerkraut sprinkle with cut greens, chopped garlic and add sour cream.