Railway station square (Chaplin)

Chaplin - a cozy and very small town in Bosnia and Herzegovina . There are no ancient buildings here, all buildings date back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Chaplin is not a tourist center, there is really no place to go here, except to get out of town - there you can find many interesting things.

What is on the square?

Chaplin's railway station square is a cultural and transport junction of the town, its center, and at the same time a tourist attraction. There are no sign monuments or samples of ancient architecture, so this function is taken by two train stations - bus and railway. By train or bus you can make a trip to Sarajevo, Trebinje or Neum, or outside the country, to the same Croatia - there would be a desire.

Things to do?

The station square of Chaplin is a crowded place. There are so many cafes and restaurants here that it's rather difficult to choose any one. From everywhere you can hear delicious smells. The cuisine here is not only local - Serbian or Croatian, but also European. Portions are large, and the prices are quite affordable. Nearby are souvenir shops and small shops quite suitable for inexpensive shopping.

The central square of the city is a sample of order and cleanliness. Well-kept flower beds delight the eye with the riot of colors, fountains are mesmerized by the spray of falling water, and on numerous benches always someone rests.

How to get there?

This question usually does not arise for travelers, because they arrive just on the central square of Chaplin. If you want to visit this town, just buy a train or bus ticket from anywhere in Bosnia and Herzegovina . In case you are staying here for one or two days, when arriving in a rented car, do not be lazy and head to the square on foot.