How to take wormwood from parasites?

Specific bitter taste and smell of wormwood can not stand many living creatures. People have used this property of the plant since time immemorial to purify the gastrointestinal tract. Cleaning wormwood from parasites is effective in worms, lamblia, pinworms , chains, cocco flora. How to take wormwood from parasites is the right information for people with this problem.

Application of wormwood from parasites

Parasitic infestation inflicts significant damage to the body: an infected person may experience toxic poisoning, a severe allergic reaction, and a deficiency of nutrients. Therefore, pathogenic organisms must be disposed of with the help of wormwood, but necessarily - under the supervision of a doctor.

The composition of wormwood includes a significant number of active components, among which are alkaloids, acids, tannins, phytoncides, essential oil. Specific bitterness of wormwood is provided by glycosides anabsintin and absintine. The same substances play a decisive role in the expulsion of parasites.

In addition to helminthic properties, wormwood stimulates the secretion of the gallbladder, improves the functioning of the intestines, which is severely affected by the vital activity of parasites. The wormwood is also useful for the circulatory system - the ingredients of this plant purify the blood from toxins released by pathogenic organisms. It has wormwood and fortifying effect, which is very handy, because Immunity with parasitic invasion significantly decreases.

Against the parasites of wormwood, bitter, not only leaves, but also stems, inflorescences, roots, seeds are effective. Collect the wormwood in the period of the beginning of flowering and dry in a place closed from light. You can buy dried wormwood in the pharmacy. To get rid of parasites use decoctions, infusions and dry wormwood powder.

How to brew wormwood from parasites?

The most accessible way of treatment when infecting parasites is the decoction of wormwood. It can be taken for prophylaxis. Drink the best decoction in the morning, on an empty stomach, after which to refrain from eating 2 hours. But you can take it during the day.

Decoction of wormwood from parasites



Raw materials of the plant are filled with water and put on heating in a larger dish. After 15-20 minutes the broth is ready, it remains only to filter.

Strengthen and supplement the action of wormwood can be, adding to her other medicinal herbs. Anti-parasitic properties are tansy, yarrow, laurel, calendula, fenugreek, ledum, celandine, birch buds, calamus, St. John's wort and some other plants.

Antiparasitic extract from herbal collection



Dry herbs mixed, pour into a thermos and pour boiling water. Infuse means 8 hours. Ready to infuse the filter. Take an empty stomach for 1 glass. The course is 10 days, during the therapy it is important to adhere to the vegetarian diet. This recipe with wormwood from parasites is especially recommended for giardiasis.

How else can you take wormwood against parasites?

For treatment of parasites, it is very effective to use wormwood in the form of a powder, which must be taken in dry form. Such a tool slowly passes through the intestines and how the brush cleans it, although it is not too pleasant to take dry grass.

For the course of treatment, approximately 100 g of dry wormwood powder will be required, preferably from wormwood. This drug is taken on a half teaspoon for 40-50 minutes before meals as follows:

Cleaning wormwood from parasites is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers, persons under 14 and elderly, people with bronchial asthma, high acidity of gastric juice , a tendency to allergic reactions.