Why does the ficus turn yellow and fall off the leaves?

Ficuses in our house serve as an excellent decoration - this tree (depending on the variety) is suitable for any room or office. Glossy juicy leaves from emerald to dark green color, with good care - the real pride of the hostess.

And if the ficus suddenly turns yellow and leaves fall, then it is necessary to understand why this happens, to help the plant to quickly regain its beauty.

Natural cyclicity

Before you panic to find the reason why the Benjamin ficus turns yellow and the lower leaves fall in winter or in the autumn, remember that everything has its beginning and its end. The same applies to plants. The leaf of the ficus on average lives from three to four years, and after it dies off and it looks like a gradual yellowing of the lower tier of foliage and fall.

Change the conditions of the content

This plant is very sensitive to various fluctuations in temperature, humidity and light, which is why the tips of the leaves turn yellow. Particularly harmful air conditioning, which blows a tub with a flower. Such household appliances significantly dry the air, and therefore require additional moisturizing and moving the ficus away from the unit.

Even the fact that the pot with the plant moved a little deeper into the room and reduced the sunlight on the foliage can cause the ficus to turn yellow and discard the leaves. This plant loves dim scattered lighting, which is especially lacking in the winter and the flower can get sick.

Overflow of the plant

The consequence of the flooding of the plant may be the decay of the root system, which is why Benjamin ficus dries, and its leaves turn yellow and fall off. To make sure of your guess, you'll have to take the plant out of the pot to shake off excess land. Rotten roots must be cut off and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or charcoal, and then transplanted into fresh soil spilled with some fungicide.

Ficus is very sensitive to the amount of moisture in the soil, and therefore watering it is only necessary when the earth dries well. Also, the plant does not like watering immediately after transplantation - it can significantly damage. After transshipment in a new container, water the ficus need not earlier than a week.

Content temperature

Ficus likes when the temperature in the room does not rise above 25 ° C and does not drop below 18 ° C. If the house becomes stuffy and hot, then the leaves react first, they lose elasticity (turgor), wilt, begin to turn yellow and die.

In some cases, when the thermometer shows at least 18 ° C, the plant is getting worse under the eyes. The reason for this condition may be that the tub is kept on a cold stone (marble) floor or window sill and then the roots are too supercooled and irreversible processes that can be seen on the foliage begin.

Pests and diseases

Too small leaves, their rapid dying off and yellowing can talk about the imbalance of microelements in the ground. Especially often this happens in too diligent owners who, by all means, want to feed the plants and do it too often or exceed the dosage facilities.

The situation can be corrected by changing the soil to fresh, which you need to buy in a specialized store, it should be designed specifically for the ficus. Top dressing after transplantation is recommended to begin not earlier than two months.

The leaves of the ficus may dry up and turn yellow due to the presence of a spider mite on the back of the leaf or the roots are affected by a nematode. Post pest detection will require treatment with special chemicals and replacing the soil with fresh ones.