Tomato "Balcony miracle"

Dwarf varieties of tomato like many. For example, tomatoes of the variety "Balcony miracle" can be grown on beds, flower beds, in the winter garden. Gorgeous bunches of these tomatoes can be a decoration of the veranda and window sill. Tomatoes "Balcony miracle" can be grown on a loggia or balcony. Tomatoes of this variety can grow in the open ground. These miniature plants give an excellent harvest of delicious sweet tomatoes, and can be fruitful twice a year.

Description of tomato «Balcony miracle»

This sort of tomato was bred by German breeders. The plant is a short one, the maximum height is 50 cm, so the garter is not needed for it. The bushes have a stem shape. This early-ripening variety can ripen even in low light. On one bush can grow up to two kilograms of tasty bright red tomatoes, each of which weighs up to 30 grams. Tomato "Balcony miracle" is also called cherry-like for the similarity of its small fruit with a large cherry. Use such tomatoes for conservation, salting and cooking a variety of dishes. These tomatoes can even be frozen in the freezer.

Tomato "Balcony miracle" - care and cultivation

As a rule, you can grow tomatoes "Balcony miracle" in containers, boxes and even in polyethylene bags. The soil for planting tomatoes should consist of humus, chernozem, sand with the addition of mineral fertilizers. If you want to get a harvest of indoor tomatoes "Balcony miracle" in early spring, then you need to plant seeds for seedlings in December-January. In order to obtain a crop in autumn, the seeds should be sown in August.

Before sowing tomato seeds should be soaked in a weak warm solution of potassium permanganate. However, this soaking is not necessary. Seeds can be sown in plastic cups with holes for water drainage or in special peat cups. On slightly moistened earth, spread two seeds and top the glass with a film to create a greenhouse effect inside. This will accelerate the germination of seeds. The temperature should be maintained at about 24 ° C.

As soon as shoots appear, the cups are exposed to a warm sunny place. Then, for about a week, they should be placed in a cool place, where the air temperature is about 15 ° C, and then returned to heat again. When the seedling grows by 10-15 cm, it must be transplanted into a permanent container with drainage holes. Next to the plants put pegs or special ladder.

Room tomatoes are afraid of drafts, and during ventilation they must be removed to a protected place.

During the growing season, tomatoes should be regularly watered with room temperature water. And the water should be poured only under the root. Once a week they should be fed with solutions of urea , superphosphate , potassium sulfate. Or you can use the special means "Epin" or "Citovit". Some experts recommend that in the period of flowering and the formation of fruits to feed room tomatoes with a solution of mullein or chicken manure. During flowering, you should periodically shake the tomato bushes, which will promote better pollination.

Once the tomatoes begin to ripen, they must be torn off and laid on ripening. This technique will enable you to ripen other fruits. However, picked too early, tomatoes will yield in taste to those fruits that are fully ripe on the bush.

For cultivation on the balcony is suitable and a variety of indoor tomatoes "Balcony miracle" gold. Its amazing golden fruits are aromatic and sweet to taste. Cultivated this variety in the same way as the rest of the indoor tomatoes.

As you can see, growing a tomato "Balcony miracle" is quite simple. But how beautiful your balcony will look, decorated with bright bushes of indoor tomatoes, and no one will refuse to eat their delicious fruits.