The first stage of alcoholism

Those families in which one of the family members doomed themselves to alcohol dependence, you can only sympathize. Because of this harmful habit, not only the victim suffers, but also her environment.

Alcohol addiction is a disease that develops in time. It has three stages of formation. Each stage is characterized by certain symptoms of alcohol dependence.

In order to understand how to determine the stage of alcoholism, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the victim of dependence and the symptoms that she manifests.

The development of the disease is conventionally divided into three stages:

Stage 1 - the initial stage of alcoholism. Is a certain pre-illness. During this period, a person's morbid inclination to alcoholic beverages can be traced.

Stage 2 is a disease itself, which includes three main stages of alcohol dependence.

Stage 3 includes residual symptoms that appear after the termination of alcoholic hobbies, the rehabilitation period.

Let us examine in more detail the characteristic signs of the first stage of alcoholism.

The first stage of alcoholism

This stage is also called the "stage of mental dependence". The main feature of this period is the pathological attraction to alcohol. It becomes an ever-needed means. Only thanks to him, in the opinion of a dependent person, you can raise your spirits, feel freedom and self-confidence, forgetting about problems. He sees in alcohol a means of emotional relaxation, facilitating contact with surrounding people.

This is the basis for psychological dependence. Its essence is that alcohol becomes the most important interest in the life of a drinker. He is able to come up with various reasons for looking into the glass. Each event is considered by them, first of all, as an occasion to drink. For this, the victim of dependence, without hesitation, throws all his affairs, hobbies, etc. He is able to spend on alcohol even the money that was put aside for something more necessary.

A person with the first stage of alcohol dependence, at least 2-3 times a week, is addicted to alcohol.

The early stage of alcoholism is characterized, in addition to mental dependence and pathological attraction of the victim to alcohol, by other signs as well, but they are less constant than those indicated above, and are not very reliable in detecting dependence. So, if you can diagnose the first stage of dependence on alcohol, then there are more chances that you can help the victim of alcohol get the happiness of his former life.