Living together

The beginning of a joint life is a difficult stage that does not take place for all couples. The thing is that there is a lapping of characters and there is such a terrible enemy of relations , as a way of life. It is very difficult to move from a single person's life to a responsible and practical family life.

Peculiarities of living together with a guy

To begin with, I would like to say about the choice of housing, because it has its own characteristics. Psychologists do not recommend starting to build relationships, living under one roof with their parents. It is best to remove a small, but your own housing, then you can avoid many problems.

What you need to consider for a happy life together:

  1. Of great importance is the financial issue, which for many couples is a stumbling block. Decide whether you will have a joint or separate budget, who will control how to spend what you earn, and so on.
  2. The first year of life together is filled with various disputes that relate to everyday life. That's why it is important to properly distribute the duties of the house. If both partners earn, it is recommended to divide the work around the house almost evenly, for example, a man takes out the garbage, a woman prepares, and cleaning is carried out by common forces.
  3. Remember that each person should have a personal space and time for himself. This is quite normal, if lovers rest with their friends separately from each other or engage in their favorite things. If you want to maintain a relationship, do not limit the partner in freedom.
  4. To live together with a man was in joy, it is recommended that all problems and discontent not hide in yourself, but calmly talk about it. Psychologists advise you to sit at the negotiating table and calmly discuss the existing problems.
  5. One of the most common reasons why many couples who started family life part is the woman's confidence that her man has the ability to "telepathy". Understand that a loved one can not guess the thoughts and if you want something, then you just need to tell him and ask.
  6. Do not manipulate a person, because in this way you can lose a loved one. Many girls blackmail their second half with sex, which only provokes them to commit treason.
  7. Another mistake is the establishment of matriarchy. Note that not all men agree to be under the heel and play a secondary role in the relationship. Such a state of things will sooner or later get bored, with both a man and a woman and a couple falling apart.

By observing the rules and listening to your heart, you can certainly make a joint life a true fairy tale.