Jam from apples and cranberries for the winter

Let's take care of the preparation of a delicious jam from a useful cowberry together with fragrant, garden apples, and how to cook this delicacy, we will tell you in detail in the process.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" from apples with cranberries - recipe



Thoroughly with cold water we wash all the cowberry. We spread the berries on a cleaned towel and let it dry for about 30-40 minutes. Then we pass through a large screen of mincers. We shift the resulting berry gruel into a wide metal bowl and cover with half of the sugar.

With apples cut a thin layer of peel and cut out the core. The flesh itself is cut into small arbitrary pieces, which we put in the next layer in a bowl. Cover them with the rest of the sugar and take away the container with fruit and berry jam in a cool place for 1.5 hours. Next, mix apples and cranberries with sugar and put the bowl on the gas plate of the plate. After boiling the jam, cook it exactly 5 minutes. We lay out the treat on processed glass jars and cap them with boiled lids.

Jam from cranberries with apples and oranges in a multivarquet - a simple recipe for winter



We wash the fruit and berries thoroughly. Cowberry is placed in the bowl of the multivark and with the help of a wooden pestle, we squeeze the berries quite a bit. Then they are covered with a protective layer of dense peel and the berries will be easier to isolate the juice. Apple cut into oblong small pieces, not cutting them peel. Put them in the same tank where the cowberry is, add small sugar and mix everything. Now, each orange is cut into 4 slices, and then squeezed out juice from them directly on top of apples with cranberries. On the multivarker, activate the "Quenching" mode and prepare our fabulously delicious jam 1 hour and 45 minutes.

We distribute the entire contents of the multivarka on properly prepared glass containers and roll them up to the full stop with prepared lids.