How to satisfy the feeling of hunger?

Once a person decides to start eating properly, he not only limits the consumption of "harmful" foods, but also reduces the amount of his portions in order to achieve weight loss. At first, such actions lead to a feeling of hunger. This is because smaller portions of food exert less pressure on the walls of the distended stomach. Because of this, irritation of the nerve endings in the stomach, responsive to the stretching (baroreceptors), becomes insufficient, and the signal to the center of hunger about saturation does not flow. Based on this, you can learn how to satisfy the feeling of hunger.

The use of "bulk" products

Perhaps the most common way - the use of water. For a while it fills the stomach, stretches its walls, causes irritation of the baroreceptors, and a signal is sent to the brain that the stomach is full. However, this trick does not work very long. First, the liquid quickly leaves the stomach. Secondly, in order to have a long feeling of saturation, it is necessary to achieve an increase in blood sugar levels, but the use of simple water does not give such an effect. So the trick with a glass of water will help, if there is not much time left before dinner. However, sometimes we feel thirsty for feeling hungry, because the center of hunger and thirst in the brain are very close. Therefore, sometimes drinking water is really enough to satisfy the "pseudo-famine".

Products that quench the sense of hunger for a long time should contain coarse dietary fibers - fiber . It is best to use directly the fiber in the form of powder or crisp balls, which is conveniently added to salads, soups, kefir or milk. It contains a minimum of calories, "swells up" in the stomach, filling it, and stimulating those same baroreceptors that send a signal to the brain about satiety. In addition, fiber is an excellent nutrient medium for normal intestinal microflora, so it improves digestion.

Fats and carbohydrates in the fight against hunger

As already mentioned, the appearance of hunger depends on the level of blood glucose. To get rid of the desire to eat superfluous should include in their menu dishes that will help stabilize blood sugar. Talking about what products satisfy hunger, complex carbohydrates should be mentioned. They are contained in:

Such carbohydrates are also called "slow" because their digestion expends the body really longer than the processing of refined carbohydrates. As a result, you get a stable level of sugar and a long feeling of satiety.

Many are also interested in how to satisfy the feeling of hunger in the evening. Nutritionists do not recommend eating lots of carbohydrates at night, so it's better to give preference to protein foods for dinner. Those who want to lose weight often completely avoid the consumption of fats, but meanwhile they slow down the digestive processes, keeping a feeling of satiety for a long time. However, it is worth remembering that the most useful are unsaturated fatty acids, which are found in vegetable oils and fish. Therefore, a light salad dressed with a small amount of olive oil, a slice of red fish or low-fat cottage cheese will help overcome the feeling of hunger in the evening.