How do women ruin the lives of men?

Everyone wants to be happy. No wonder they say that this concept depends on our perception, attitude to many vital things. So, women, however, like men, ruin life not only for themselves, but for their second half. The most interesting thing is that in this case the most common excuse is: "My fault in this is not".

The role of women in the life of men

Often a woman is not lucky with building relationships with the opposite sex, primarily because she has not fully realized her place in the life of a man. Everyone heard the phrase saying that behind a strong man is a loving wife. You do not even need to paint anything, to prove it. It's worth simply stopping for a moment, not running anywhere, not thinking about the past and the future, losing yourself in the present. Think about the above sentence.

A man is happy when he realizes that his beloved is joyful, does not lower his hands and every day becomes more beautiful not only externally, but also internally.

Each male can be a lion, a king. The main thing is that in it was revealed its potential, the real masculine qualities. The most interesting is that without the words of support, the woman's enthusiasm to achieve this is very, very difficult.

After all, one of the components of the meaning of life for men and women is that they both complement each other, were a single puzzle of the vast universe.

Life of a man without women

The Age of Feminism. Representatives of the weaker sex, against their own nature, become stronger than the male half of the planet. You repeat to your spouse from day to day: "You will not cope with this. I will do it myself, "" I do not need your advice, I can manage it myself "," I'm right - cut it in the nose "? With these phrases, actions, you involuntarily kill a harmonious relationship with a man, make him believe that he is not capable of anything. At some point he will either turn into an old grumbler or understand that it is better to live alone than to ever connect his destiny with a woman.