Green diarrhea in a child

The manifestation of diarrhea is always an unpleasant symptom, but the child's green diarrhea causes a special concern for the parents. Anxiety of loved ones is clear. And yet the general condition of the child should be the primary factor: whether there is a rise in body temperature, whether there is nausea or vomiting. Let's try to understand why the child has green diarrhea?

Disturbance of the stool as a result of the introduction of new complementary foods

Very often the appearance of a green-colored diarrhea in a child is associated with the introduction of the first complementary meal, the introduction of fruit juices into the diet. In the normal state of the baby, even if a baby has a green diarrhea, do not worry too much. It is necessary to consult a local doctor and, perhaps, to pass an analysis for dysbiosis. Pediatricians recommend probiotics and prebiotics in such cases. Most often in 2 - 3 days the chair comes back to normal, and parents are subsequently recommended to more cautiously introduce complementary foods, starting with very small portions, and pay attention to the child's reaction to new products.

If the infant is breastfeeding a nursing mother, it is necessary to approach the food ration more carefully, to exclude products that are potentially harmful to the child: smoked products, mayonnaise and so on.

Dysbacteriosis in children

Dark-green diarrhea in a child can be a manifestation of dysbiosis, when the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora is disrupted most often due to the use of antibiotic therapy. The balance of useful and pathogenic microflora can also change as a result of improper nutrition, reduced immunity, allergy. In addition to disturbing the stool, there are intestinal colic, bloating and allergic skin rashes. To make a diagnosis, a tank analysis is done. The doctor prescribes antibiotics (except for cases of dysbacteriosis as a result of antibiotic therapy), bacteriophages, prebiotics, probiotics, sorbents are recommended for elimination of toxins.

Bacterial and viral infections

Another thing is when the cause of diarrhea is a bacterial infection (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella and others). Infection of the baby occurs through stale foods, dirty hands and by contact with the carrier of the infection. In young children, the cause of diarrhea is both viral and enteroviral infections, which can occur in the form of gastroenteritis.

A watery or mushy green stool with mucus and a sharp unpleasant odor, pain, bloating, vomiting give serious concern to the child. Because of vomiting and diarrhea, the baby's body becomes dehydrated, resulting in the child becoming pale, restless, his eyes fall, his hands and feet become cold to the touch. These symptoms should serve as a signal to call for emergency medical care. As a result of severe dehydration, a fatal outcome may occur, especially this is dangerous for children who have not turned six months old, because at this age babies do not drink water well, and make up for fluid loss without specialist's help is problematic. Therefore, if the child, along with diarrhea, has a general poor state of health, parents should immediately call for an ambulance!

Experts recommend that in case of intestinal infections apply a strict diet: exclude from the diet of milk and dairy products, fiber and fats. Frequent use of boiled water is shown (an older child can be given Borjomi mineral water), enzyme preparations (mezim, digestal), smecta , regidron , imodium are prescribed.

Child's health is the care of his parents! In all cases, when the child along with diarrhea is experiencing general poor health, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help.