Goji berries are good and bad, how to take?

Gojis are small coral-colored fruits of the common tree, which grows in many latitudes, but only high-altitude Tibetan nature gifts can claim therapeutic properties. In the Middle Kingdom, goji are grown from ancient times, and they, in the opinion of many, are the reason for the longevity of its inhabitants. What is the benefit and harm of goji berries , and how to correctly take them, will be told in this article.

What are the benefits of goji berries?

The chemical composition of this tiny and plain-looking berry is simply amazing with its diversity. It contains vitamins - C, E, group B, minerals in the amount of 21 species, amino acids, betaine, polysaccharides, etc.

Of the medicinal properties of berries can be identified:

How to use?

Like any other berry, fruits can be eaten fresh, add them to cereals, pastries, casseroles, soups, desserts, drinks, etc. Unfortunately, only those who live near the place of their growth can eat fresh berries. All the rest remains satisfied with dried goji berries. Those who are interested in how to eat goji berries for weight loss correctly, you can recommend doing so: dried fruit in the amount of one spoon for the table, pour a glass of freshly boiled water and insist for about half an hour.

Finished elixir is taken half the glass three times a day before meals, and the remaining berries should not be thrown away, but eat by themselves or used for dessert or baking. Now it is clear how to use goji berries for weight loss, but in any case the daily rate should not exceed a handful of berries.

Harm to berries

Like any other food product, berries need to be dosed, otherwise their benefits will be crossed out harmed to the injured. First of all, they are capable of causing allergies and individual intolerance and this must be taken into account. If you abuse the fruits, you may experience diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and bloating. If you eat them for the night, there is a great risk of experiencing insomnia, because they can exert a tonic effect. Therefore, they should be consumed long before bedtime and do not combine with medications, especially those designed to reduce blood pressure and blood glucose levels. There is an opinion that they can enhance the effect of these drugs.

You can not enjoy these fruits to pregnant and lactating women, and also to children under 3 years old. Leading the fight with extra pounds, it is worth recalling that goji berries are not a panacea. Independently to solve a problem of excess weight they are incapable, therefore in any case it is necessary to reconsider the habitual ration and to increase impellent activity. Oncological patients also do not have to rely on some berries, yet the only effective treatment for cancer today is chemotherapy and radiation.