Facelift at home

With age or after a sharp weight loss, wrinkles appear on the face, and the skin loses its elasticity. To solve these problems, many women go to cosmetologists or plastic surgeons. But sometimes it's better to do without expensive lifting procedures and surgeries, because you can make a facelift at home.

Exercises to lift the face oval

To do a skin tightening at home is possible with the help of exercises. Regularly making a special complex, you can pull up the oval face and keep the muscles in a tone. The most effective exercises include:

  1. Imagine that the ball is in the mouth from the air, and "roll" it in different directions.
  2. Put the air in your mouth, squeeze tight lips, press your fingers on the cheeks, but do not let the air go out.
  3. Open your mouth a bit, put forward the lower jaw, and then move it to the left and right, gradually increasing the tempo.
  4. Stick out and pull the language down, pronounce the sound "a".

Of course, with the help of such a charge, it will not be possible to quickly make a facelift at home. But the result is worth the time spent, as the changes will be significant.

Massage for facelift

If you need to do a eyelid, chin, or oval facelift at home, then it's better to do self-massage rather than exercise. It will help your skin get rid of various toxins, absorb the necessary nutrients, improve muscle tone and exfoliate dead cells. After the massage, swelling , flabbiness and even small wrinkles will also disappear.

To do a suspender at home, massage should be done 3 times a week. The most effective movements are:

  1. Smooth the skin of the cheeks with two fingers to the temples from the wings of the nose, and then vice versa.
  2. Smooth the skin on the forehead from top to bottom, and then from the eyebrows to the hair.
  3. Circular movements massage all the fingers of the skin of the cheeks from the chin to the lobes of the ears.
  4. Smooth the area under the jaw with the back of your hand.

Each of these exercises should be repeated 6-7 times.

Masks for facelift

Facelift at home can be done with the help of special lifting masks. They allow you to start the process of producing collagen and elastin. it is due to this that the skin becomes elastic, elastic, and the contour is pronounced. In addition, home lifting masks have rejuvenating and smoothing properties. However, there are contraindications to their use. So, it is strongly advised not to make masks when:

Also do chin lift, oval or eyelid at home using masks is not necessary, if during the last six months you did plastic surgery on the face.

When choosing lifting masks, pay attention to what type of skin your skin belongs to. For a fatty skin type, a protein-lemon mask is suitable:

  1. To make it, whip the egg white.
  2. Add 10 ml of lemon juice to it.
  3. Apply on face.

Do you have dry skin? You will need a protein-cucumber mask:

  1. Whisk the fresh egg white.
  2. Add the mashed potatoes made from one cucumber without skin and seeds, and 5 ml of olive oil.

Such a mask will tighten the skin and whiten all the pigment spots that usually appear with age on the face.

If you have normal skin, then the ideal option is a dill mask with oatmeal:

  1. Chop the green dill.
  2. Mix it with about the same amount of oatmeal.
  3. Add 5 ml of olive oil to the mixture.

This mask has an excellent pull-up effect, but it is also known as an excellent tonic.