Encephalitis in dogs - symptoms

Encephalitis in dogs arises from a bite of an encephalitic mite and is an inflammation of the brain, which is often accompanied by a lesion of the spinal cord. Simultaneous defeat of the brain and spinal cord is called encephalomyelitis. And if the brain shells are involved in the process, we are talking about meningoencephalomyelitis.

Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis in dogs

Inflammation of the brain is manifested in dogs in the form of convulsions , paralysis, general weakness, severe tremor, maneuvers. This is an external manifestation of the fact that foci of necrosis, purulent infiltrates are formed in the brain, dystrophic changes in nerve cells and cerebral edema occur.

Symptoms of encephalitis in a dog after a tick bite are manifested most often in the spring-summer period, since the vector of the disease is most active at this time. The danger of such a disease is in the instantaneous reaction of the organism, especially if the animal is immunocompromised.

Infection occurs instantly - 3-7 minutes after the bite. The incubation period can last for 3-3.5 weeks, but if the pet in the first 2-3 days after the bite has not received proper treatment, death can not be avoided.

If you observe symptoms of encephalitis in the dog - a sharp increase in temperature , convulsions, paralysis of the limbs, impaired motor functions, sensitivity to any pain, sudden mood changes, complete paralysis of the eyes and facial muscles, you are probably already late with help.

Even with the most effective treatment, such serious neurological symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis in dogs indicate a neglected condition of the disease, and the prognosis may be disappointing. All the devastating effects of brain inflammation are simply irreversible, so that the surviving dog may lose its functions - temporarily or permanently.

The animal is threatened only by partial restoration of lost functions, besides, after the transferred disease, it becomes highly susceptible to all sorts of viral infections, and this increases the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Treatment of encephalitis and its symptoms in dogs mainly consists in the prescription of antifungal, antibacterial, anthelmintic drugs. Therapy is accompanied by the intake of glucocorticoid hormones, aminoglycosidones and other agents. After treatment, a course of restorative therapy is mandatory.