Effective exercises to clean the stomach

The abdomen is the most convenient place for "storing" fat, so our body is arranged and it can not be persuaded in any way. But the warmer in the street, the more difficult it is to hide this pernicious propensity of the female body to place all the fat on your stomach. And thoughts about the beach season, sometimes, lead to tears ... But with tears do not wash off the fat, it will be much more effective to sweat.

So, for real, effective weight loss you need to use all improvised means. First of all, it's a diet. Progress and weight loss by 70% depends on your diet , which is capable, both to stimulate the deposition of fat, and to contribute to its depletion. There are already too many diets, we recommend that you simply adjust your diet and make it prudent.

Of course, we need effective exercises to clean the stomach. They are in second place after a diet. If you can not eat less, train more. This is the principle here, because we need energy consumption to become negative, that is, you consume less than you spend, or spend more than you consume.

Well, at worst, do not forget about "ladies" things, like, creams, gels with anti-cellulite effect, wraps, masks and other pleasant and useful procedures.


We'll get down to business, that is, to effective exercises for the abdomen.

  1. We lay down on the stomach, the emphasis on the elbows, the breathing is uniform. We pull the abdomen to the waist, tearing it off the floor, while the back is slightly rounded. We draw in the stomach on inhalation, we return to the FE on exhalation.
  2. PI is the same, we now keep the weight of the body not only on the forearm, but also on the socks. We tear off the stomach and the pelvis together.
  3. Further we tear off both the stomach, and the pelvis, and the knees. The emphasis is on the socks and forearm, legs are stretched, we straighten our knees.
  4. PI - the same, tear on the inspiration, stomach, pelvis, knees, pushing yourself, raise the pelvis up. Now we are released on exhalation not on the floor, but in the pose of the bar that we got in the previous exercise. Planck itself is an effective exercise for the abdominal muscles, and in combination with "pulling in", it really "narrows" us into the profile.
  5. Stretch the abdominal muscles - we lay down on the floor, emphasis on the hands, get up and bend in the back.
  6. We turn over on the back, the legs are bent at the knees, the heels are pulled to the hips, hands behind the head. We break off the body from the floor, then tear off the legs from the floor, do folding, but rise in turn - first the body, then the legs. We return the legs and the body to the floor. We perform climbs on exhalation, we lower on inhalation. This is a very effective exercise for losing weight and working on the lower press.
  7. Now we do everything together - we tear off the shoulder blades and feet from the floor at the same time.
  8. Laying on his side, the lower arm is extended, the upper arm is the support. We tear off the head and legs from the floor at the same time, we linger and come back. We perform lifting on exhalation.
  9. Then we perform the fixation - we tear off the hand, on which we rest, we wind up our head and, raising our legs and head, we keep the position.
  10. Execute exercises 8 and 9 on the other side.
  11. We lay down on the stomach, hands behind the head, legs stretched out. We tear off the chest and head from the floor and fix the position. We carry out lifting on exhalation, we lower on inhalation. Effective exercises for a flat stomach work out not only a press, but also a back. After all, the hunched back automatically relaxes the abdominal muscles, making your appearance, to put it mildly, not aesthetic.
  12. Now we perform the alternate ascents - we break away from the floor, we stretch our left elbow behind our back, we lower ourselves, we stretch our right elbow.
  13. We tear off the head, chest and legs from the floor simultaneously. Hands behind the head, rises in exhalation.
  14. We tear off the left elbow and the opposite foot from the floor, as if trying to unite them. We perform alternate lifts on both sides.
  15. Stretch - sit on the buttocks on the heels, hands stretch forward.
  16. We get on all fours, raise the opposite arm and leg up and pull up to each other. We carry out on both sides.