Chernovrivtsy - medicinal properties

Chernovrivtsy are found on almost all flower beds. Gardeners loved this flower for its unpretentiousness. Chernovrivtsy or as they are called - marigolds - it is enough to plant and from time to time to water, they will also bloom in gratitude to the first frosts. It turns out that beauty is not the only virtue of the Chernobrivtsi, they also have medicinal properties. Moreover, flowers are considered one of the most spicy and useful spices used in cooking.

Useful properties of black-hens

Our ancestors learned about the benefits of bright marigolds a very long time ago. They added flowers to food, many girls used blackgrass to improve lactation and strengthen immunity. Today the glory of these simple but very useful colors is gradually beginning to revive. Marigolds are used to treat many diseases. And since this medicine is natural, everyone can use it (except for those who do not tolerate individual components from the flower).

The medicinal properties of the Chernobrivtsi help in the following questions:

  1. The smell of the marigolds is quite specific, but this does not prevent the flower from soothing the nervous system and treating it from stress.
  2. Chernovrivtsy receive a lot of useful substances from the earth, which allow to prevent cataracts.
  3. Infusions of flowers - excellent poto-and diuretics .
  4. Marigolds help to remove inflammation and fight bacteria.
  5. Traditional medicine recommends to try treatment with marigolds to people suffering from problems with the pancreas.
  6. The healing properties of black-hens help with diabetes.
  7. Adding a few flowers in the tea leaves, you can get a real healing drink. Such a modified tea will help to strengthen immunity and combat catarrhal and viral diseases.
  8. Chernovrivtsy can and should be added to food for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Flowers normalize digestion and will put in order the general state of health.
  9. Special recipes allow using pressure to reduce pressure.

The track record of these simple flowers is large enough, but even this is not a complete list of the advantages of the marigolds. Flowers:

Practical application of medicinal properties of black-scorers

It's not hard to get the blackbrickers. Flowers are sold in any pharmacy, and if desired, marigolds can be planted in a flower box at home and collect their own healing crop. All recipes with these colors are very simple and accessible. The most popular ones look like this:

  1. To lower the level of sugar in the blood, it is enough to prepare an infusion of marigolds: one flower is poured with a glass of boiling water. Take a medicine four times a day for a quarter of a glass.
  2. From blackgrass, olive and almond oils, you can prepare a soft lip balm. A mixture of several colors, half a glass of olive oil and a tablespoon of almond oil, is infused for about two weeks.
  3. The healing properties of the oil from the flowers of the Chernobravians make inhalations simply magical. The drug helps even in the chronic form of sinusitis . Add a few buds to the kettle and start breathing with your mouth. Very soon, breathing will become more free.
  4. Freshly squeezed marigold juice helps to get rid of painful sensations, swelling and itching after insect bites. The juice can be replaced with oil.
  5. Relieve stress, flowers help through baths. To improve health in the water, you need to add a few flowers or drops of oil. Such a procedure, even from a deep depression, is able to withdraw.