Anthurium - reproduction

Anthurium causes admiration of flower growers due to very bright and unusual flowering, for which it is often called "male happiness" . This liana is reproduced mainly by cuttings, by dividing the bush and sowing seeds. It is not difficult to do this at all. Well, we will tell you how to grow an anthurium flower.

Anthurium - reproduction by apical cuttings

One and the most successful ways of reproduction of anthurium - apical cuttings. The best time for its implementation is spring and early summer, when rooting occurs faster. A sharp knife at the plant cuts off the upper part of the shoot. Your stem must have a minimum of two leaves and a stem length of 12-15 cm. In a disposable cup, make drainage holes and place there vermiculite - a crushed mineral. Deeper into the glass of the stalk for 5 cm, watered and sprinkled the leaves. A glass with a handle should be placed in warm conditions (+ 24 + 25 ° C). In the future, the plant should be watered regularly, avoiding drying out of vermiculite. A month later, the stem with roots about 3 cm can be transplanted into a pot with a substrate.

Reproduction of anthurium by bush division

This method of breeding anthurium at home is a great way to rejuvenate the plant. It can be carried out in spring with a vine transplant. To do this, remove the anthurium from the pot and gently release the roots from the ground. From a common plant, carefully separate a few young shoots with roots and at least one leaf with a sharp knife. We plant these parts in the pot at the same depth as they used to grow in the main plant and water. In the future, we look after the updated anthurium as an adult flower.

Anthurium - reproduction by lateral shoots

This method of reproduction is very similar to the previous one. From the main plant should be carefully separated with a sharp knife one of the side shoots with roots and leaves. Escape must be transplanted into a pot with a usual substrate for an adult anturium and watered. Further care for young plants includes regular watering, fertilizing, spraying and protection from drafts.

Anthurium: leaf propagation

In rare cases, it turns out to root an anthurium leaf with a piece of stalk. It is placed in fresh, boiled water until the roots appear. Then the plant can be transplanted into a pot with suitable soil.

But the anthurium reproduction of seeds in the home - the process is extremely complex and time-consuming, often resulting in failure. This method is usually used by breeders to breed new varieties.