Ussuri plum

In regions with lower winter temperatures (up to minus 40 ° C), there is also the opportunity to grow fruit, one of which is the Ussuri plum. Judging from the name, it originated from Manchuria and the Far East, gradually spreading throughout Siberia and the Urals.

Description Ussuri plum

The Ussuri plum tree is not dwarfish, as is the case with plants in cold conditions. It reaches a height of three meters and is quite full. Despite its size, the tree has a sufficiently high fruit bearing and in the harvest year from each one can remove up to 20 kg of ripe fruit.

The branches of the plum are thin, well bending, and despite this they keep the harvest well, regardless of its abundance. The most basic quality for which this tree is valued is the increased frost resistance that most types of plum trees do not possess.

Traditionally, the fruits of this tree are small in diameter and have a bright yellow color. Breeders to improve frost resistance all the time continue to work on crossing the plum with other species. So the varieties of Ussuri plum "Zarya Altai", "Yellow Hopty", "Krasnoshchekaya", "Poniklyaya", "Altai Jubilee" and others having pinkish color appeared.

Flowering and fruiting

At the same time, the Ussuri plum blossoms with the bird cherry. All experienced gardeners, this information indicates that at this time you should expect frost. Fortunately, the tree in bloom tolerates them perfectly and you can not worry about the future harvest. The flowers of the Ussuri plum are fragrant and small, appear on the branches until the foliage blossoms and completely dot the tree.

To achieve fruiting, Ussuri plum will require pollinators. Other types of plums with the same flowering time can act as them, except Canadian, as this tree blooms 7 days earlier. It is suitable as a pollinator sand cherry .

Fruits ripen in September and immediately fall off. Therefore, you should not miss this moment and harvest a few days earlier, as soon as the plum slightly turns yellow. After that, the fruit is folded in boxes with a thin layer where they ripen for 5 days.

Features of landing

For Ussuri plum is not so terrible

frosts, how much are dangerous spring priprevaniya root system. This can be due to the incorrect location of landings in those places where snow is retained for a long time in the spring, and also in all kinds of hollows and on the northern side of the plots.

Therefore, to avoid trouble plant a tree not in a traditional hole, but pour special hills of sufficient height and diameter, so that the root system lies above the ground level. Thus it is possible to resist nature, and to obtain an excellent harvest of fragrant fruits.