The Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary - signs and ceremonies

In the Orthodox faith, the veneration of the Most Holy Theotokos is of particular importance. They treat her as an intercessor and assistant in all matters. This attitude goes back to one wonderful event. In the 10th century, the center of the Orthodox faith, the city of Constantinople, was under siege by foreign troops. The Virgin, having listened to the pleas of the inhabitants about salvation, descended from heaven and spread over them a veil removed from her head. Under him, the enemies could not see the besieged, the city and inhabitants were saved. This miracle is dedicated to the Orthodox holiday - the Protection of the Blessed Virgin.

Traditionally, this day is marked in the calendar on October 14. With the development of Christianity in Russia, the Feast of the Intercession has acquired a special sacral significance, overgrown with signs and beliefs, belief in which people still exist.

Signs on the Intercession

The most common signs and rituals for the Protection of the Blessed Virgin are associated with the weather. On this day, we were judged on the coming winter.

It was believed that:

  1. If snow falls on this day, snowy winter is expected by the beginning of November.
  2. The weather for the winter is determined by the wind that blows into the Pokrov: the cold north - to the harsh winter, the southern - to the warm, soft. A changeable wind - winter will be unstable.
  3. To see the Cover of the departing cranes - to the onset of a cold winter.

Before the Veil of the Day, they tried to harvest the crop, stopped to drive the cattle to the pastures, tried to make all preparations for the next winter.

On the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, rituals and rituals were held, connected not only with the weather.

  1. On this day it was customary to warm the house, burn old things to protect themselves from the evil eye.
  2. On Pokrov baked pancakes small in size. The first blend was divided into 4 parts, after which they were carried around the corners. According to the belief, this rite of "baking corners" was to appease the brownie, feed him and calm him, and also to keep the heat in the house.
  3. The children were showered with water through a sieve on the threshold of the house. It was believed that this will save them from diseases long winter.

Since ancient times, weddings in Russia walked in autumn after harvesting. The Feast of the Intercession was called "wedding" or "girlish day". Unmarried girls willingly made rites for love and a wedding for the Protection of the Blessed Virgin. Waking up early in the morning, the girls fled to the church to put a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Intercession. The first girl in the church married more quickly than her friends.

Rituals for attracting a mated on the day of the Intercession

  1. On the night before the Veil, the girls laid bread on the windowsill to lure the groom.
  2. The girls had to get up early in the morning, run out into the courtyard, and, washing the snow with a sentence: "Let my mummified-sujan come to me not having a cold."

This is not limited to all the rituals and fortune-telling for the Protection of the Blessed Virgin. Before going to bed on the night before the holiday, it was important to say the words: "Zorka-lightning, red maiden, Mother Blessed Virgin! Cover my sorrows and your sickness with a veil! Bring to me a mocked mummer, "after such a spell the groom had to appear in a dream.

In Russia, traditions and rituals performed in the Pokrov day, had a creative meaning: keeping the heat in the house, health, creating a family. This holiday was made to spend cheerfully, to do good to relatives, to help the needy. Our ancestors believed that for all the good deeds done in the Pokrov, will be rewarded. A good sign , which can be followed not only on October 14, but also on every day of our life.

It can be concluded that all the signs that are associated with the Intercession Day are only good and positive. But in any case, the person himself must decide to believe in them or not.