South African Air Force Museum

South Africa's Air Force Museum in Port Elizabeth is one of the branches of the Central Air Force Museum, located in the southern part of the city's airport. One of the most famous museums in Port Elizabeth is a success with fans of history and military aircraft construction. Aircraft cause an enthusiastic effect in children who can climb into the cockpit and feel like real heroes! In the vicinity of the museum all the most spectacular airshow of the country are held, attracting thousands of spectators.

History of the museum

For many years the military training center of the air force was located on the site of the present museum. The exhibition hall-museum was created with the support of the authorities in order to preserve the old models of aircraft, to demonstrate exhibits revealing the history of the air force of South Africa . Combat pilots under the British, then under South African flags fought in both world wars, in the Korean War, took part in the war in Angola and Mozambique and in other local conflicts on the African continent.

The Air Force Museum of South Africa in our days

The museum's collection includes nine aircraft, including a helicopter and a supersonic jet fighter. Presented are the Impala aircraft - light multi-purpose attack aircraft manufactured by the South African company Atlas. The limited area of ​​the museum's premises and hangars does not allow expanding the exposition, however, the existing aircrafts have been carefully restored, some of them draw attention to the "combat color" of the fuselage. Visitors will be able to understand how the aircraft works by looking at the exhibition of mechanisms - motors, blades, open housings. A special place in the collection of the museum is occupied by trophies obtained by pilots, and full-fledged models of aircraft of opponents of South Africa, mainly German. The pride of the museum is the model of the Spitfire, a British fighter of the Second World War. In 2014 the museum was reconstructed. But ordinary residents of Port Elizabeth are not indifferent to the fate of the museum. There are whole teams of enthusiasts, thanks to which the main exhibition hall is replenished with interesting photos of airplanes and memorabilia.

How to get there?

To get to the museum is better in a rented car or taxi, as it is located off the main road, in the southern part of Port Elizabeth airport, at the end of Forrest Hill Drive. Between the airport and the city center buses run constantly.