Scrub of coffee for face

Coffee is not only a drink that does not uniquely affect almost all the systems and organs of the human body, but also a powerful cosmetic. Already a long time ago it is used not only to cheer up in the morning, but also as an aromatic and exfoliating remedy. The composition of coffee contains a lot of substances useful for the face and body. These are antioxidants that slow down aging, and minerals and organic acids.

Effect of coffee on the face skin

Paradoxically, almost monotonously, doctors and scientists agree that coffee as a drink does not have a very good effect on the skin condition, but when used as a cosmetic product it produces a stunning effect. Since basically the drink is used in a hot form, thin skin vessels suffer. Especially sensitive and thin. This leads to manifestations of couperose. With excessive enthusiasm for coffee drinks, the face acquires an unhealthy color, pale and dull.

If you use ground coffee for cleaning your face, you can achieve opposite results. The useful properties of the components of coffee are manifested in the following:

How to use a facial scrub scrub ?

The skin on the face is tender enough and easily damaged, there are often manifested various reactions (rashes, peeling, couperose). Therefore, do not use peeling for a person from coffee more often 1-2 times two times a week. It is worth considering and the type of your skin. Owners of oily skin is better to use fine grinding. And, of course, it's not enough just to wipe the face of coffee, you need to mix it with the right ingredients that just complement this magical product.

With a fat or normal type of skin, a mixture of ground coffee (or coffee grounds, which must have remained after the morning cup of an invigorating drink) and clay is ideal. Clay can be any. Equal proportions of dry substances are mixed with warm water, milk or cream to the state of sour cream and applied to the skin. Cleansing massage movements should be very soft. For best effect, the mixture can be left on the face for 15 minutes, then simply wash off with pleasant temperature water. Such a mixture not only cleans the pores, but also nourishes the skin, restoring its elasticity. If the clay is not at hand, do not despair. A mixture of coffee and any fermented milk product (kefir, cream, natural yoghurt, sour cream, fermented baked milk) will be an excellent alternative.

If your skin is dry, a suitable mask of coffee for the face should be added suitable vegetable oil, yolk, honey and sour cream in equal proportions. It is better to warm the mixture in a water bath (not in a microwave oven) and apply to the skin for no more than 15 minutes. Then do a light massage and rinse with water. Yet one version of the mask can be coffee, mixed with fatty cottage cheese.

Sleeping coffee for the face can be mixed with candied honey and get a wonderful natural face and body scrub. Such a scrub will make the skin tender, mildly exfoliating unnecessary cells. For rapid toning of the skin, the coffee grounds is mixed with the ground walnuts in equal proportions. Such a scrub in just a minute changes the skin condition. Washed in two stages - first warm, then cold water. Add to the coffee scrubs you can any favorite products for your skin. Cinnamon, sugar, oils and even a favorite face cream will only enrich the product and will cause a complex impact. For washing, you can add ground coffee to the product that you use daily, but do not do this more often 2 times a week.