Pork marinade in the oven

For example, you decided to make pork baked in the oven. In this case, it is good to pre-marinate meat, especially if you bought it frozen. Marinating not only changes and complements the taste of meat, but also, in a certain way, changes its structure, makes it softer, as if restoring the original state, saturating with a liquid that could be lost with long freezing and subsequent thawing. That is, you have already understood that pork, which has been in marinade for a while, and then baked, as a rule, is obtained, as a minimum, with more refined tastes.

Tell you how you can cook pork in a marinade for later baking.

Pork with orange marinade, baked in the oven



We make a pickle. Pour a small amount of wine into a separate cup, press into the same garlic and season with spices, let stand for 20 minutes, then strain through a frequent strainer. To the flavored garlic and spices wine we will add orange juice (it should be much more than other liquid components), we will season the sauce with mustard and / or soy sauce.

We cut the meat into portions of medium size, and onion - half rings, put into a deep, close container and mix. Fill with marinade, mix again, cover and leave for 1-4 hours, as you like.

Before baking, we place a bowl under a colander, put the meat in a colander, let the marinade run off a bit, strain it and pour it into a separate container.

We lay meat with onions in a fireproof form in one layer, not closely. Cover the form with a lid or foil, put it on the grill in the oven and bake it for 30 minutes, put the grate on and pour the semi-prepared meat with the marinade. Bake for another 20 minutes, without the lid. Pork in an orange marinade is best served with a young green bean, rice or rice noodles. About the greenery do not forget.

Pork in cranberry marinade



To prepare marinade, we wipe ripe berries of cranberries through a sieve and on the basis of the resulting substance we make cowberry marinade, it is possible with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice. If you want, you can add garlic to cowberry pickle, you need to insist it for 20 minutes and then drain again, then marinate and bake.

If you want to bake pork in the sleeve, it is good for it to marinate it in wine pink or white, preferably, unsulphated.

One-piece not very thick piece of pork meat or small pieces of medium size is sealed tightly in a sleeve with a small amount of wine and leave for 2-4 hours (sometimes turn over and shake), then place in the oven and bake for about 1 hour. Cellophane sleeves are best not to use (when heated, they emit harmful substances into the meat), fold the sleeve of the foil, you can make 2 layers.

Pork in the oven under a hot tomato marinade


Onions, cut into half rings or quarter rings, lightly wessed in butter in a frying pan (the onions should not be small, we form a backing from it).

We spread the onions in a fire-resistant shape, distributing evenly, we spread the pork cut from the top by pieces. Pour a spicy sauce, prepared on the basis of diluted water tomato paste with the addition of red hot pepper, garlic and other spices, it is desirable to strain the sauce. Bake for about 1 hour under a lid or foil.