Pangasius is good and bad

Fish is a popular product on our table. It supplies the body with an important protein of animal origin, which, incidentally, is digested more easily than meat. Those who do not like to spend time cleaning fish, it is worth paying attention to pangasius. On the shelves of shops to find whole carcasses of fish is almost impossible, since it is supplied in the form of frozen briquettes. As a result, you get a properly fillet, without bones and scales. To finally make sure that pangasius is an excellent choice, we will understand the benefits and harms of the product.

The main supplier of such fish is Vietnam, in the territory of which there are many farms engaged in its cultivation. At one time rumors were circulating that the conditions on these farms, mildly to say, are unacceptable, and many people refused to use pangasius. Today, manufacturers take into account all the requirements, and the fish is shipped to many corners of the world. To protect their residents, the government of many countries has tightened the quality control of Pangasius.

The Benefits and Harms of Pangasius Fish

To preserve the useful properties of fish, it is very important that the fillet is properly frozen, the best option is shock frost. In addition, be sure to check whether the fish was frozen repeatedly, because in that case a large number of nutrients were destroyed.

The composition of the fillet includes vitamins, amino acids , micro- and macro elements. The use of pangasius fish is due to the presence of protein, which is especially important for people who regularly exercise. Useful substances contained in fish are necessary for the normal operation of the cardiovascular and digestive system. It includes phosphorus and calcium - minerals, which are useful and important for bone tissue. It is proved that with regular use of pangasius it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

The benefit of pangasius is the presence of antioxidants - vitamins A and E, which relieve the body of free radicals that adversely affect the body. There is also a complex of B vitamins, necessary for the nervous system, in the fillet. Therefore, if you are often in a stressed state, suffer from insomnia or become very tired, put a dish of pangasius into your menu and you will be able to cope with these troubles. Due to the presence of ascorbic acid, other substances are digested much better and faster.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of pangasius fillets, we can not ignore the information that, although fish and river, it contains the unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which are necessary for the elasticity of blood vessels, tissues and joints, and even omega-3 improve vision and the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Since the subcutaneous fat is removed during harvesting, the energy value is low and is only 90 kcal per 100 g. Besides, for those who watch their weight, it will be interesting to know that pangasius improves the metabolism and work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible damage to pangasius

Harm pangasius fish can bring the body only if it is grown in the wrong conditions, without respecting environmental standards. In this case, the fillet can contain chemical poisons that can damage your health. The only caveat is to stop using pangasius if there is an individual intolerance.

How to cook properly?

To keep the maximum amount of useful substances, pangasius is best cooked steamed, boiled or baked. Just remember that the fish is prepared very quickly and if it is overdone, the fillet will fall apart. For a variety of taste, use a variety of spices, lemon juice, but from salt and vegetable oil is better to give up.