Minoxidil for hair

The problem of alopecia affects not only men, so Minoxidil for hair is widely used by women. As it turned out in the course of scientific research, this tool prevents the dying out of existing ones and stimulates the activity of "sleeping" follicles, which allows treating even serious hair loss.

Minoxidil for hair for women

Initially, the drug in question was intended to treat high blood pressure, and the effect it produced on hair was considered a side effect. Over time, Minoxidil began to be used to solve the problem of alopecia and alopecia against the background of endocrine disorders.

As practice shows, therapy of women through this drug is more effective, especially when applying concentrated solutions (5%).

The ability of Minoxidil to prevent hair loss is not fully understood, some trichologists believe that it is due to the property of the components to the expansion of blood vessels. This greatly improves the access of oxygen to the roots and helps the activation of new follicles.

It should be noted that the results from the use of Minoxidil are noticeable 1-4 months after the start of the course of treatment. At the same time, the effect is not permanently retained - if you stop using the solution, the hair will acquire the original density in a maximum of six months. Thus, the drug should be applied constantly or with short breaks.

Hair preparations with Minoxidil

In a pharmacy without a special prescription, you can buy the product in its pure form (concentration of 2% or 5%), but now cosmetic preparations based on Minoxidil are more popular:

All listed medicines are issued in the form of alcohol solutions or foam for rubbing into the scalp, which must be used 1-2 times a day. Lotions are much cheaper, but less convenient to use, because they are absorbed and slightly increase the activity of the sebaceous glands.

To facilitate treatment and save time, you can mix shampoo with Minoxidil. For these purposes, it is desirable to select either organic cosmetics, or one of the following:

These shampoos not only enhance the effect of the drug, but also prevent the occurrence of side effects, facilitate their manifestations. In addition, each of them is enriched with vitamin complexes and keratin protein, which allows to strengthen the bulbs, make the hair stronger and thicker.

Side effects of Minoxidil

The most frequent unpleasant consequence of the treatment is dandruff . It appears because of the alcohol constituents of Minoxidil, which cause drying of the scalp, irritation and peeling. Hypersensitivity, in addition, can lead to the development of contact dermatitis with symptoms such as pruritus, urticaria.

For these reasons, doctors recommend choosing drugs without alcohol and propylene glycol or applying a solution of weak concentration, mix it with shampoo, balm or masks.

Analogues of Minoxidil Lotion

If the described substance is intolerant, you can try the following drugs:

The above lotions and foams are true analogues (not generics), because the molecules of the active ingredient have a similar structure with minoxidil constituents.