Male Gemini

It seems that Gemini lives at the same time several lives, where they are in parallel both performers and enthusiastic spectators. And there is nothing surprising in this: there are at least two "I" on a permanent and legal basis within him.


The Gemini man does not tolerate routine - he can not get up on an alarm clock, work on a schedule, have lunch at lunch breaks. It just makes him angry. But in many respects because of this character , the Gemini man will have the reputation of a creative person, creative nature and a bright head in a working collective, even if his position will be called not a bohemian financial analyst at all.

Defeat, he can not stand, and immediately falls into a depression, but not a long one. "Razveatsya" will help him a new, suddenly surging hobby. His life can be described as a desire somewhere "where it is good, but we are not," so that Gemini can not guarantee that tomorrow it will not dissolve into oblivion.

With women

Women are very important in the life of the Gemini man, although his love is always a bit superficial. But he falls in love and, alas, too often. His companions involuntarily feel that at any moment he can exchange them for someone else, just for the sake of diversity. Accordingly, the question arises as to how to keep the Gemini man, if parting with him in your plans is not included. You have only one chance to become everything to him - do not let him get bored. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Turn into a walking holiday and dedicate your life to the entertainment of your Twin. Change, reincarnate, rush with him to the extreme and never contradict his sudden impulses.
  2. The second way how to keep the Gemini man on all points contradicts the first. Become for your Gemini an extreme calmness, poise, predictability. It will pass if his profession is associated with a permanent move, and at home he will need a quiet harbor. He is naughty - you, without changing your facial expressions, do, as you need. Never answer his whims with hysterics, quarrels, scandals - do not wind it, and he will not have cause for discontent.

The second way is much more practical if you are going to build a family with him.


It's silly to rack your brains over how to understand a Gemini man. Try to have fun while you are with him, and do not be surprised if what he says today is contrary to the fact that he declared himself with foam on his lips. Life with him is like a powder keg. Suitable if you are in the shower extreme.

It is better to see if there is any sign of compatibility with the man Gemini.

Gemini and Taurus are a union of two opposites, the active non-observance of Gemini and the sluggish Taurus woman. Communication will be long-term and productive, because the calmer the woman's temperament, the easier it is to get along with the changeable Gemini.

Gemini and Libra - the most "family" union. Although Gemini and it is difficult to be called an exemplary family man, having fallen under the influence of Libra, it will simply be transformed.

Gemini and Sagittarius - this example proves that the exception only confirms patterns. In this case, we are talking about the concept of "minus to minus" as a result of which a really "plus" is obtained.

A rock

Each of the signs is supposed to have its own talisman. Our sign is no exception, and for Gemini men we recommend the following stones:

The best talisman for an energetic, enterprising and active Gemini will be an ametrine. It will help to stabilize the mood, strengthen the already refined gift of persuasion and eloquence, and also contribute to the rapid growth of material wealth in the Gemini asset.