How to make jam from dandelions?

Dandelion dissolves its petals, like the sun, one of the first, becoming a kind of symbol of summer heat and joy. But how to keep this joy for the whole year? To do this, you can cook jam from dandelions, because the application of this flower in cooking was found for a long time. Dandelions in the winter not only will please you with excellent taste, but also will remind of summer sunny days and will give a charge of vivacity and health. It is difficult to overestimate jam or honey from dandelions - its use is undeniable. The high content of biologically active substances and vitamins makes the sun flower an excellent helper for our heart and blood vessels, digestive system and skin. So let's find out how to make jam from dandelions.

Unfortunately, fresh dandelions are not available for sale, except that somewhere in the farmers' markets, so let's go collect flowers. Do it, of course, away from the city and roads, so that instead of being useful, do not get poisoned by various contaminants settling on the grass. In addition, experts recommend collecting dandelions at noon - it is at this time that the petals contain the most amount of active substances. We need only the heads of flowers, without stems and leaves. As for lemon - you can use only its juice, but if you like the characteristic sourness and taste of citrus, then you can grind and use the whole lemon. Those who prefer a thick jam, similar to jam or even jelly, add to this recipe a little gelatin or pectin, about 6 teaspoons. Well, to turn our jam into a very exotic delicacy, you can take a little bit of cinnamon and ginger. You can experiment and create your own recipe, like making jam from dandelions.

Recipe for jam from dandelions



Fresh dandelion flowers (dried here does not fit) washed in cold water and thrown on a sieve. Press the flowers should not, they can lose part of the juice. When excess water drains, we load flowers into the pan, fill it with water, wait until it boils, and cook for about 10 minutes. If you decide to use a whole lemon, then send it to the pan right away with dandelions. When the mass is cooked, remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave for a day - so the broth is better than infused.

The next day we catch all the dandelions and lemon, carefully squeeze them, and, as it is a pity, we throw out - the flowers have already given the broth everything that they were rich. To squeeze all the juice from the grass to a drop, you can take a colander, cover it with gauze and flip dandelions on it, then carefully squeeze it. In the broth, we pour out the sugar, and set all this again to boil. Brew this honey better in several ways: let it simmer for 7-10 minutes, cool, boil again, and so three times. If you decide to use gelatin, then add it before the last boil. Now you know how to make honey from dandelions. It remains only to pour it on the banks and put away for storage in a refrigerator or other dark cool place. How nice it will be cold winter pamper yourself and your loved ones with this sunny delicacy - if, of course, you can keep from immediately eating everything.

Such jam, or honey, will not only be a treat, but also an excellent medicine. Moreover, real honey is not really consumed in a hot form or even washed down with tea - at high temperatures it loses its properties. But honey from dandelions retains its useful substances even in hot form, so it is ideal for tea or hot pancakes. Also, you can prepare healing infusion of dandelions and prepare real sunny wine .