How to draw a hare in stages?

Each child, about one year of age, takes a pencil in his hands and begins to draw his first scrawl, and later various drawings. Thus, he tries to express all his knowledge about the surrounding world, obtained during the game. Painting lessons are incredibly useful for kids, it promotes all-round development, brings up patience, care and perseverance in the child.

The greatest interest in small children is caused by animals. The crumb quickly begins to repeat after you, as the "cow" says, the dog, the cat and the frog, how the horse clinks, how the tiger growls and much more. A bit later he learns to show images of animals in a book and, of course, ask you to draw, for example, a bear, a chanterelle or a bunny.

In this article we will tell you how to easily and correctly draw a hare in stages. A small child will definitely like the image of a bunny he saw somewhere - in a cartoon or a book with pictures, and you can easily and quickly draw this character. To get a fun and funny picture, try the following scheme.

How to draw step by step fairy hare?

  1. First, draw a general outline of the trunk, muzzle and ears.
  2. Then draw the ears of the future fairy-tale character, and add the contours of the front legs and tail.
  3. Next, draw a detailed muzzle and contours of the hind legs.
  4. Dilute the picture with the necessary additional strokes.
  5. Our fabulous bunny is ready!

At first glance, it may seem that it is quite difficult to draw this drawing, but if you try, you will immediately understand that this is far from being the case. Let's see how it's even easier to draw step by step hilarious rabbits with a pencil.

That's how it is very easy, in just four stages, to portray a funny bunny.

Under this scheme, you can easily portray a pretty rabbit, who eats a carrot.

For older children, who are already seriously mastering the technique of drawing, one can suggest a more complicated pattern of this hare.

How to draw a hare step by step?

  1. First, divide the portion of the sheet you are going to draw into 9 identical squares. Lines as thin as possible so that they can be easily erased without damaging the pattern. With this markup, you can easily draw 3 circles - the contours of the future hare.
  2. Further, the auxiliary lines can be gently erased and several circles represented - the contours of the feet.
  3. Finish drawing the bunny's paws, not pressing strongly on the pencil, as some lines will have to be removed later. And on the upper circle - the contour of the head - draw a region for the muzzle and two small circles for the ears.
  4. From head to hind legs, circle the entire drawing with a pencil and do not forget to add contours of the tail and eyes. Superfluous lines can be erased.
  5. Draw in detail the muzzle of the rabbit and draw a fur pencil.
  6. If beautifully draw eyes, ears, nose and mustache, then our bunny will look very realistic.

If your child likes to draw, but his pictures turn out awkward, and the lines are crooked, never laugh at his creativity, but, on the contrary, be sure to encourage. Even if your child does not become a great artist, drawing lessons will not be wasted, because reflection of your thoughts in pictures is very important for kids. With the help of a drawing they can express what they do not say in words, and show you their desires, and also what disturbs them.

Try to draw as often as possible with the child, always voicing all that appears on paper. But if the crumb does not have an attraction to creativity, and it is not interesting for him to sit with a pencil in his hands for a long time, it is not necessary to force him. Drawing through force, according to your order, will not yield the desired results, but will only anger the child and discourage him from any desire for further development of his artistic abilities.