Hirudotherapy infertility

In our time, more and more couples are faced with the problem of infertility. Bad ecology, irrational nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, the prevalence of sexual infections, and, as a result, the inability to conceive offspring. Treatment of infertility involves various methods that depend on its cause. Among other methods can be identified and hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches.

Treatment of infertility with leeches

Hirudotherapy in infertility is considered in most cases an effective method. Its usefulness is as follows:

  1. Leeches are put on biologically active (reflexogenic) points, due to what the effect of this therapy is similar to the effect on the body of acupuncture.
  2. Hirudotherapy beneficially affects the circulatory system as a whole: slows blood clotting, prevents blood clots, improves blood circulation of pelvic organs. This is due to a substance called hirudin, which is contained in the salivary glands of leeches.
  3. The use of medical leeches also has immunostimulating, analgesic and antibacterial action.

Leeches with female infertility

In the treatment of female infertility hirudotherapy is quite effective. Under the influence of leeches, adhesions in the fallopian tubes can be absorbed, the thickness of the endometrium of the uterus can be increased by improving the blood circulation. In addition, hirudin positively affects the formation of female sex hormones.

Many patients are interested in the question of where to put leeches with infertility. The answer to it applies to your specific case only the doctor-therapist. Usually, with such problems, leeches are placed on the area in the lower abdomen, near the navel, and also on the sacrum and the vaginal area.

Leeches with male infertility

Hirudotherapy with male infertility gives its effect due to improved metabolism in the tissues of the prostate. Also after sessions of hirudotherapy, the spermogram of a man improves markedly. Set leeches for men on the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx, in the perineum and around the anus.

If you decide to try hirudotherapy, then you need to know about the contraindications to it. Treatment of infertility leeches can not be used for blood diseases, low blood pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, iron deficiency anemia, oncological diseases, as well as during pregnancy, within six months after cesarean section and directly during menstruation.