Ginseng - useful properties and contraindications

Perhaps the most famous plant, which has powerful adaptogenic and toning properties, can be called ginseng. This miracle plant is widespread in the wild in China, Vietnam, eastern Asia and the United States. But because of the therapeutic benefits of ginseng began to actively cultivate. So, for example, in China there are up to 15 kinds of ginseng (five-leaf, three-leaved, Vietnamese, creeping, koreo, chonchol, etc.).

Harvesting of ginseng

Cultivation of this plant is a rather laborious process. At 6 years of growth, the ginseng root accumulates the greatest number of beneficial properties, and contraindications at this concentration of active substances also increase. During this period, it is collected, sorted by appearance and, after steaming, dried. At the same time, it decreases by a factor of 2-3.

Useful properties of ginseng

It is proved that the ginseng root has powerful adaptogenic properties that can influence the body's ability to withstand the harmful effects of biological, chemical and physical nature. The use of ginseng root is also in the presence of saponins, fatty oils, a large number of trace elements and other substances that can increase the overall tone of the body. Tincture of ginseng root benefits under reduced pressure, mental and nervous fatigue, increases efficiency, etc. It is successfully used for such disorders as:

The use of ginseng for women is to increase libido, as well as to improve blood supply to the pelvic organs, which is of no small importance in the planning of pregnancy. The intake of tincture of ginseng root positively affects the male reproductive system, strengthening the sexual desire and improving the quality of sperm.

Some studies confirm the positive results from taking ginseng root during treatment and recovery after the diagnosis of breast cancer .

Home masks for the skin using a crushed root will help maintain youth and beauty of the skin, have a powerful anti-aging and regenerating effect. To do this, powdered dry ginseng root is diluted with hot water to the state of thick sour cream. Give a little cool and put on the face for 15-20 minutes.

Recipes of tinctures

Tinctures from the root of ginseng are prepared from fresh and dried roots on vodka or alcohol.

To prepare from a fresh root:

  1. Grind 100 grams of root.
  2. Pour it with 1 liter of vodka.
  3. Insist for a month, periodically shaking.
  4. Strain.
  5. Take three times a day, 20 drops per 30 minutes before meals for a month. Then take a ten-day break, after which the course is repeated.

From the dry root of ginseng tincture prepare as follows:

  1. On a liter of vodka take 30 grams of dry root and grind it with a blender to the state of the powder.
  2. Insist for a month, shaking.
  3. Strain.
  4. Take also 20 drops three times daily before meals. The period of preventive treatment is 6 weeks, after which take a break for a month and drink again for 6 weeks.

Such tinctures when rubbed into the scalp will help to strengthen and accelerate the growth of hair.

Contraindications to the use of ginseng

Contraindications for taking ginseng tincture is not so much. In view of the alcohol content, it should not be given to children under 16 years of age, as well as hyperexcitability in a more adult age. Contraindication to the use of ginseng is the period of pregnancy. Caution should be taken ginseng lovers of strong tea, coffee and other beverages that have an invigorating effect.