Jane Fonda showed how a woman at 78 can look

The legendary Jane Fonda will turn 79 this year, but despite her age, she also admires glances in mature years, circling heads to imposing men. The actress once again demonstrated that an advanced year is not a hindrance to beauty, coming to the premiere of "Grace and Frankie" in Los Angeles.

Treated figure

Jane Fonda, who starred in the television series, appeared on the red carpet in an unusual light blouse with cutouts on her hands and green pants, the belt of which emphasized the woman's ossuary waist beyond age.

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Easy and graceful

The actress was at ease with her colleagues in the film and the press when an awkward moment appeared on the photocamera - a large team of the series, making a group photo, did not all get in the frame. Those present puzzled over the solution of the problem. Meanwhile, the Foundation, with grace, crouched on her knee before the assembled and all fit in the lens. After the star of the cinema, obviously not knowing what arthritis is, it easily climbed without anyone's help.

By the way, in the comic story "Grace and Frankie" Jane played one of the sworn friends, whose life is drastically changing. She finds out that her husband throws her to marry a man. Her comrade in misfortune becomes her enemy, whose role was played by Lilly Tomlin, it is to her husband that the screen husband of Funda goes.