Crafts from gypsum with own hands

Gypsum is environmentally friendly, absolutely harmless, cheap enough and therefore affordable material, which is often used to create various handicrafts. Working with him is a pleasure! This material can take any form, quickly freezes, has a relatively small weight, easily dyed.

Preparation of the solution

All that needs to be done before you start making gypsum articles yourself, is to prepare the solution. Nothing complicated in this. It is enough to mix the powder with water. However, before you dilute the gypsum for hand-made articles, pour a little water into the container to avoid breathing a cloud of gypsum dust, mix it, and then pour in the rest of the water. The consistency of the solution will depend on your goals. Making gypsum articles (both flat and volumetric) is more convenient if the solution is thick. But remember, he quickly grasps! If you have prepared half a bucket of mortar, and are going to pour a few molds with small figures, then it can freeze in a bucket. Most often painted already finished figurines from gypsum, but you can paint over and the solution itself. To do this, use gouache, and any water-soluble paints. Even strong tea leaves, zelenka, iodine or a solution of potassium permanganate, added to the solution, will give it the appropriate color.

Do you want to try to make gypsum articles for home or unusual toys for children? Stock up with the necessary materials, and proceed! And a few interesting ideas on what crafts can be made from plaster, you will find in our master classes.

Figurine "Sea Heart"

All that is necessary to create this original crafts is gypsum, water, heart shapes, shells and colorful pieces of glass.

  1. Pour the previously prepared solution into the molds. Pour it in a thin trickle so that air bubbles do not form.
  2. When the gypsum hardens to the consistency of a tight dough, lay on it pieces of glass and shells, slightly pressing them.
  3. Wait until the gypsum is completely frozen, and then carefully take out the figures from the molds. It remains to slightly polish the shells, and the craft can decorate your house!

Christmas decorations

Appetizing cakes are an excellent decoration for the New Year tree . To make them, you need to stock up with cardboard, plaster solution, dyes and ribbons.

  1. On the cardboard draw a few circles, and add a dye to the plaster solution. Then gently with a spoon fill the circles with a solution.
  2. When the solution dries, with metal molds, correct the shape of the cakes. Wait until the mass hardens completely.
  3. Apply a little more solution to the figurines from the gypsum. You can use another dye, since this layer is the "cream" of the cake. When the mass solidifies, gently attach the tape in the form of a loop. Top cover the cake with a plaster circle. Delicate cakes are ready.

"Toy minerals"

Does your child like to explore the outside world? Then he will appreciate this entertainment!

  1. Pour silicone molds for baking with the prepared gypsum solution.
  2. When the solution seizes, gently put a silicone toy into each mold. Of course, it is better if they are figures of ancient lizards, extinct millions of years ago. Top them with plaster solution. When it freezes, gently pull out the shapes from the mold. The toy is ready, but it will be much more interesting if you dig it somewhere in the garden. The child will