Contests for the 50th anniversary of the woman

In the life of each of us, the most important event, the fiftieth anniversary, necessarily comes. On this day, all relatives, friends, colleagues and simply acquaintances gather to congratulate the jubilee with such a significant event. And in order to make the holiday memorable for a long time and was fun, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it. In particular, a well thought out script for the 50th anniversary of the woman should be filled with original contests.

Interesting contests for the 50th anniversary of the woman

Thanks to various competitions, the celebration will be fun and easy, there will not be bored or disaffected people on it. Any competition can make us become interested, cheer, cheer up and deliver a lot of positive emotions.

  1. The contest "ABC" can be held at a festive table. Tamada asks if everyone from the audience knows the alphabet. Each of the participants of the competition is invited to say a wish to the hero of any letter of the alphabet. For example, the letter A - Aibolit congratulates our jubilee, on B - be vigilant: soon the dances will begin, and so in order. Real fun begins on the letters G, G, P, L, etc. The author of the funniest wish will get a prize.
  2. At the jubilee of 50 years, a woman can hold a funny contest called "I love - I do not like". At the beginning, the facilitator asks each of the guests to say what he likes and what he does not like from a neighbor sitting on the right or on the left. For example: "A neighbor sitting on the right, I love my eyes and do not like ears." After everyone speaks, everyone should kiss what he liked in the neighbor, and bite for a place that did not like. Stormy fun you provided!
  3. You can organize for the jubilee a cheerful contest of chastooshkas to music. The host starts up a wand in the circle of the guests who are gathered, which the participants must share with the music. At the end of the music, the one in whose hands the wand is in need to perform the chastushka. You can distribute the texts of the ditties to those guests who do not know them in advance. The winner is the one whose chastushka will cause the greatest fun of listeners. The prize for the winner can be a kiss of the culprit of the celebration.
  4. "The warmest heart" - the male participants are distributed over a small piece of ice and it is necessary to melt it as soon as possible. The one who will make it the first and will be the winner. The winner will be awarded with a glass of cold wine.
  5. To carry out the contest-game "The most persistent man" to the chairs attached inflated balloons. Each participant must sit on the ball and burst it, and it's quite difficult to do this, as it turns out. Attempts of participants to crush a ball will cause a lot of laughter both at themselves, and at spectators.
  6. "What if ..." - the participants of this contest should find a way out of the proposed non-standard situation that may arise in our life. For example: what to do if you accidentally sat down on the birthday cake, what to do if you accidentally broke a vase, which was carried on a girlfriend's birthday, what to do, if after the holiday came the working day, etc. The winner will be the one who gave the most original answer.
  7. For the contest "The prince is not laughed," all players must be divided into two teams. Players of one team are not laughing - they sit down on chairs and try to look very seriously. The participants of the other team should make the first ones laugh at all means. For this they can tell an anecdote, show pantomime and even build "faces", however, it is forbidden to touch the players. Each laughed player joins another team. If all the nonspoken manages to make laugh, then the team of those who have made a laugh, and if not, the team is not victorious.