Children's drawings by May 9

Children love to draw, someone gets it better, someone is far from perfect, but in any case, a child of any age expresses his thoughts and feelings with his drawing. But a thematic assignment, such as a picture on the theme "Victory Day" , for children can become something new, which makes us think about the values ​​of our world.

It is very important that in the family the older generation from childhood tell their children about the war, about what it brings destruction, and about how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers managed to stand up in a far unequal struggle. Boys pay more attention to remembering the technical side - tanks, motorcycles, aircraft. For girls, the emotional component is the most important. Be that as it may, the drawings of the children prepared for the Victory Day on May 9th are always touching.

Drawings for May 9 in pencil for children

Both in kindergarten and in school, children are most often drawn with colored pencils, which they use easier than with colors - the picture is more accurate and accurate. In order to carefully draw an image, you must first make a sketch, carefully think it over, and then paint it. You can also use felt pens, and if there is no doubt in your abilities - gouache and watercolor.

Traditionally, the drawings of children for the holiday on May 9 have a similar theme, but in different versions. In the figures are often present:

How to draw May 9?

To draw white birds, the child will need to work hard, because on a white sheet they will be hard to see. But if you outline their outline and paint over the entire sheet, it will turn out very nicely.

To represent the awards, the child will need help from the older generation. After all, they are more versed in medals and orders, but the St. George ribbon is quite simple to draw - only black and orange pencil colors are required. In addition to the drawing, there may be an inscription mentioning the victory over fascism and the war years.

Sedovlassnye veterans in the form of different kinds of troops - this is already a real masterpiece, which is able to senior schoolchildren. Often the drawings by May 9 additionally decorated with corrugated paper inserts. It turns out very elegant and unusual.

The plane in the blue sky and the tank with the victorious flag are very often found in the drawings of boys of all ages, because the technique played a significant role in the victory over the invaders.

Some children, in addition to the red flag of the Soviet Army, can also draw symbols of the Russian Federation. This is also correct, because Russia has become the successor to the former Soviet Union.

To defeat the invader in battle is an honor for every soldier. Little artists each express this process in their own way. If a child does not understand how to draw details of military equipment, then one can look at illustrations on this topic and look for common features and differences of military equipment of the two states.

A happy son or daughter, mom and dad next to you - this is how the feelings of the child are expressed. After all, the most important thing for him is to know that he is protected and his relatives are always with him.

Children familiar with the concept of geometry can beautifully draw an eternal flame, to which on Victory Day the whole country bears fresh flowers as a token of gratitude for the peaceful sky.

Often children draw the main heroes of the war years - soldiers who defeated the Germans. Parents should tell that not only men fought - there were many women at the front.