Useful properties of lychee

Useful properties of lychee are quite large, but not all people know about this exotic fruit that came to us from China. Because of its appearance, many associate it with some kind of nut or even a child's toy, but not an edible fruit.

Fetal composition

Litchi fruit in appearance resembles a small plum, but with a coarse and dense skin of bright red color. Inside is a jelly-like flesh of white color and a bone. To taste the fruit is more like grapes of white varieties.

The pulp of this strange fruit contains:

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the lychee contains a large amount of zeaxanthin. This substance is necessary for the body to maintain and improve visual acuity.

What is useful lychee?

The use of lychee for the body is quite large. For example, in India he is considered an excellent aphrodisiac and this "fruit of love" is consumed by both women and men.

The substances that make up the pulp help to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol and promote the normalization of metabolism. Often, those who want to lose weight, include this exotic fruit in their diet.

Regular use of fruit has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, as well as the digestive system. In eastern medicine, the fruit is recommended for use with the following problems:

Problems with the pancreas and intestines are also solved by eating the flesh of this fruit in food. If you regularly eat several fruits a day, then this will be a good prevention of the appearance of atherosclerosis. This is due to the high content of vitamin PP.

It is worth saying that all the beneficial properties of lychee are preserved in fresh fruits, but they are often consumed in dry form. Then the peel becomes very dense, and the pulp with the bone rolls inside. By the way, for medicinal purposes it is often used skin, from which infusions and decoctions are made.

It is worth noting that Eastern healers used the fruit in the preparation of mixtures for the treatment of tumors. A decoction is most often used in order to increase the overall tone of the whole body and improve your well-being.

Contraindications of the fetus

It must be said that some people have an individual intolerance to this fruit and then, despite its benefits and properties, it should be abandoned. In addition, overeating exotic Chinese plum can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of rashes, redness of the skin. But to use lychee during pregnancy, especially the first time when the body's reaction to this fetus is unknown, is not worth it. This can lead to health problems.

How to properly eat litchi?

The essence of the correct use of the fetus is quite simple:

  1. It is necessary to take the washed fruit in the hands and press two thumbs, or more precisely, the nails into the middle.
  2. The ripe fruit has a dryish peel, which is easily cracked and cleansed. If the fruit is not completely ripe, then you have to use a knife and peel.
  3. After the flesh remains in the hands, a rather large brown bone should be removed from it.

A fruit can be eaten just like that, but some people prefer to add it to sauces, desserts or champagne. It should be noted that quite often lychees can be found in supermarkets in canned form, since the shelf life of fresh lychee is only two days at room temperature.