Seeds with weight loss

Most modern diets reduce to caloric intake of food and reduce the amount of fat. Many slimmer doubt, you can lose weight when you have sunflower seeds and what effect they have on the body.

Sunflower seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E), which lower the cholesterol level, give a rejuvenating effect. The nutritional value of sunflower seeds is higher than that of many common foods. A hundred grams of purified seeds contain 21 g of proteins, 53 hectares of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates, while the caloric content is 570 kcal, that is a considerable proportion in the daily diet. Therefore, sunflower seeds for weight loss should be consumed in limited quantities.

The use of sunflower seeds with weight loss

The main benefit of seeds when losing weight is distraction from other food, hands in those moments when the kitchen has something tasty and not very useful for the figure. Sometimes, instead of getting into the kitchen and making a sandwich, it's better to eat a few seeds, thereby saving yourself from unnecessary calories. The cellulose contained in the seeds of the sunflower is digested for a long time and prevents the rapid development of hunger, promotes the passage of food in the intestine and healthy excretion. The main rule for a diet that is worth sticking to is a fractional diet. It is not always possible to eat by the hour, fried seeds with weight loss are useful as a snack.

Is it possible to pumpkin seeds when losing weight?

Comparatively with sunflower seeds, pumpkin have more proteins and carbohydrates (24, and 13.4 grams, respectively) and fewer fats - 45.7 grams, contain 541 kcal and are similar to useful properties, the choice between them is a matter of taste. It is worth remembering that excessive consumption of pumpkin seeds leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Seeds of flax for weight loss

When losing weight, it is appropriate to use flax seeds , they cleanse the body and improve digestion. In the stomach, the seeds swell and give a feeling of satiety for several hours. Passing through the intestine, the seeds gently cleanse its walls, rid of toxins and toxins that have accumulated and poison the body. Cures for gastritis decoction of flax taken on an empty stomach. A useful flavor additive for salads, stew, soups will be flax flour. Shredded seeds are stored in a sealed can and add a few spoons to your favorite dishes. Seed reception alternate in stages of 7-10 days.