Screen-partition for the room

Many people dream of spacious houses with panoramic windows, but in reality they have to be content with tiny Khrushchevs with a view of the construction site. However, this does not mean that the owners of small apartments should now give up comfort and a personal corner in which you can retire. In creating a separate space, people will be helped by partition screens for the room. They help to zonate the room and create behind the doors a separate world, in which no one will interfere. Please note that the screen is only an illusion of the partition, an easy division of space. It can easily be moved to another part of the room or taken away, hidden in a closet or under a bed. And if you set a goal, then the folding partition can be made a stylish art object, which will brighten even the most mediocre interior.

Historical reference

The homeland of the mobile screen is China. In the 7th century it was made of painted silk, decorated with colored stones, mother of pearl and shells. The most elite were the Coromandel screens, which were distinguished by an unusual cut-through decor. The price of the product depended on the number of layers of lacquer on the fabric. The most expensive were considered screens on which the number of layers of lacquer reached two hundred.

In Europe screens came only in the 17th century due to the fashion for oriental exotics. They were not only imported from Japan and China, but also manufactured independently. Artists accurately reproduced Japanese stories and created beautiful scenes, the heroes of which were warriors and dancers, concubines and emperors. Over time, as the inserts began to use carved wood and stained glass, expensive tapestry fabrics and even leather. Today screens are made from a variety of materials and people have the opportunity to choose a model stylized for a certain era or decorated with a special authentic pattern.

The lineup

All screens can be conditionally classified according to two factors - the material of manufacture and the construction of the partition. Depending on the type of construction, the following types of screens can be distinguished:

  1. Valvular . Classical models consisting of several leaflets. Thanks to them, the screen can be bent at a certain angle, protecting the necessary area in the room. You can even fence the whole room in a spacious room. To do this, you need a screen of 8-10 sections.
  2. Screen-screen . Stretches between the ceiling and the floor to visually divide the room. Can be made from a variety of fine yarns, fabrics or luxurious carved wood.
  3. Screen-roll . It has a high plasticity. It can be given almost any form, be it a straight line or a zigzag. It looks very stylish and unusual. However, due to its high cost, it is rarely used.

As for the material of manufacture, here the imagination of designers knows no bounds. Classic models are made from painted fabric or carved wood. However, those who crave uniqueness, will approach models from perforated metal, plastic or imitation leather. Original screens are partitions for a room with a mirror. They visually make the room wider and allow themselves to be viewed from all sides. They are most often installed in the bedroom, but some models can complement the living room.

Where to install?

In the traditional sense, the screen is bought for zoning space, but there are other unusual ways of using it in the interior. You can install a partition at the head of the bed, and thus make a difference in the design of the bedroom. The screen will also be appropriate in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in the hallway.