Scale in the washing machine

The simplest and most effective advertising move is to come up with a problem and find its solution. From the screens of TVs we often hear about the terrible scale in the washing machine. Is it really? Unfortunately, such a problem takes place to be. But not many people know that it is possible to fight with scum. Even fewer have heard the periodic cleaning of the machine from scale.

Scale in the washing machine is formed on the inner walls of pipes, superheaters, evaporators - apparatus in which evaporation of water occurs. The water contains salts that determine the hardness of the water. During the heating process, the salts decompose and form a precipitate, which we carefully try to remove.


Removal of scale in washing machines can be avoided by doing the following:

  1. The physical way. To clean the washing machine of scale, a special magnetic device is placed on the water supply hose. Due to the magnetic field, an insoluble precipitate does not form on heating.
  2. Chemical method. Remove the scale in the washing machine by constantly adding special chemicals to each wash. The insoluble precipitate is destroyed, the heating element remains clean. This method is quite expensive, you must strictly follow the instructions.


You can clean the washing machine of scale without the use of special tools. Try to use citric acid. This folk remedy has been tested for years. Cleaning from the scum washing machine is as follows: carefully look at the drum, if there is no clothes there, close the door. Now in the compartment for the powder you need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of citric acid. Next, choose the mode of digestion, washing at 90 ° C, for the longest period of time. For a better cleaning of the machine, you can set the additional rinse mode. The washing machine is descaled.