How to remove the smell of urine from the carpet?

If a small child has appeared in your family, you will soon encounter the problem of the smell of urine. A little man will crawl around the apartment, leaving traces of his life in the most unexpected places, including on the carpet.

The smell of baby urine on the carpet will not disappear by itself, so you need to work hard to get it out.

Than to deduce a smell of children's urine from a carpet?

Good help for removing odors are water, sun and fresh air. As often as possible, take out your carpets to ventilate either in the hot sun, or in the frosty frost.

Nowadays, there are many chemical agents for eliminating unpleasant odors. They are, of course, very effective, but where is the guarantee that a small child will not have allergies on them. Therefore, we propose to solve the problem of the smell of children's urine with old "grandfather" methods.

If you notice an "accident", immediately try to soak the puddle with a diaper or napkin, as carefully as possible, practically to dryness. Then sponge soapy baby soap very conscientiously rub this area. Next, make an acetic solution, 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water, namely vinegar, and not essences. And this vinegar solution with the help of a sponge, well, erase the place of "piss". After that, put an old diaper on it, folded several times and iron it.

If the smell of urine is old, i.e. comes from an old puddle, which has long dried up, then this procedure will need to be repeated again.

Also, from the smell of urine on the carpet, soda helps perfectly. On the place where the child has written, for a while, generously pour soda. Then carefully mark it.

For neglected cases, you will need vodka. Pour the place "PE" vodka, then very well wipe with dry cloths, and then continue to get rid of the smell with vinegar, as described above.