Running and losing weight

Running and losing weight are two inseparable concepts, since it is this physical exercise that is considered the most effective in combating excess kilograms. The main advantages are the fact that practically everyone can use it without risk to health. The main thing is to correctly determine the pace and distance.

How does running for weight loss?

There are a lot of advantages in this exercise:

  1. Running is a dynamic exercise that involves almost all the muscles in your body.
  2. Running is considered one of the best training of breathing and heart. He also speeds up the metabolism , which helps burn excess calories.
  3. Running helps to increase efficiency, and also it allows you to spend a lot of energy.

Effective running for weight loss

In order for the exercise to produce the desired results, it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. Training should be regular and take place at least twice a week.
  2. Weight loss by running will be effective if the distance is not less than 1-2 km. During this time, you can find out whether such training suits you, whether they bring you discomfort, etc.
  3. After a month, the distance can be increased to 4 km. For many at this stage, running begins to bring real pleasure.
  4. To increase the effect, you can train in a special suit that promotes increased sweating.
  5. For the effectiveness of running it is very important to adhere to proper nutrition: not to eat sweet, fatty and spicy.
  6. Do not forget about the water balance, because during the run you lose a lot of water. Immediately after training, drinking is not recommended, you need to wait about an hour.
  7. Correctly choose shoes and a suit for running, so as not to get injuries during training.