Retinol for face skin

Renitol acetate is vitamin A. It is a fat-soluble antioxidant that has an animal origin. This natural compound performs important biochemical functions in the human body. It is used even in cosmetology. Let's consider, what action renders retinol on a skin of the face, and how to use this agent in house conditions.

Effect of rhenitol on the face skin

Renitol has a rejuvenating effect on the face. This substance:

It penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin and makes them more elastic. With it, you can smooth out fine wrinkles and completely remove pigment spots. Useful Retinol for the face skin and the fact that it protects it from any negative impact of the environment. This fat-soluble antioxidant can be used in the complex treatment of burns and dermatitis. This vitamin makes healing quicker and better.

How to use retinol for the face?

To improve the skin condition of the face, you can use renitol acetate in the following forms:

  1. Oily solution. It is ideal for preparing home masks and it can be added to various factory cosmetics.
  2. Capsules. Inside, they have oily contents, so they can not only be taken inside, but pierced to extract liquid to add to medicinal cosmetics.
  3. Ampoules. Intended for intramuscular administration, but their contents are also suitable for the preparation of home lotions and masks.

In its pure form such vitamin A is not worth using. This is a concentrated medication, so it can cause side effects. It is best to add this product to your regular cream or make masks with it. By combining it with other ingredients, you soften the aggressive action of the vitamin.

Be sure, before using retinol to improve the condition of the skin of the face, lubricate the wrist. There was no strong itching, no redness? There are no contraindications to its use. If you have very sensitive and dry facial skin , it is better to completely abandon the use of funds with this vitamin. It can provoke the appearance of irritation and a feeling of tightness of the skin.

The peculiarity of retinol is that after its application the skin has an increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. Any cream with this product can cause redness on the face while staying in the open sun for a long time.

The best home remedies with retinol

To get rid of pimples and rashes, the following remedy will help.

Mask for face with retinol and carrot juice


Preparation and application

Mix carrot juice and cereal. Add to the resulting mass of Retinol. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. It should be washed with cold water.

At home, you can make a mask for the fading skin of the face with retinol, avocado and apricot.

The recipe for a mask


Preparation and application

The flesh of apricot and avocado grind. Add olive oil and retinol. Apply this mask for 45 minutes.

Very useful for the skin is a lotion for washing with retinol and chamomile.

Prescription lotion


Preparation and application

Stir the chamomile with water and bring the mixture to a boil. Strain the broth and cool it. Dissolve in it retinol. The resulting lotion should be wiped twice a day. Keep it should only be in glass containers, otherwise it will lose all its properties.