Prayer for the Protection of Marriage

The protection of the Holy Virgin is celebrated on October 14. A holiday arose in ancient times, when Constantinople was surrounded by enemies, trying to conquer the city. People gathered in the temple and prayed all the time, asking for help. The parishioners saw how the Virgin Mary descended from the sky in an instant, who became among ordinary people and began to pray with them. After that she took off the veil, and threw it on all believers. As a result, the enemy retreated, and no more trouble touched this city.

Since then, they began to celebrate this holiday, which is associated with many signs and rituals . For example, the girls read a prayer for the Protection of Marriage and the happiness of their family. Still people asked about health, luck, wealth, and also about happiness.

Prayer for the Protection of Marriage is a Strong Prayer

Since ancient times, this day was considered a "wedding holiday", so many lonely girls turn to the Virgin Mary, so that she helped them meet their soul mate.

In order for the prayer to work, it is important to properly prepare for the holiday. To do this, consider these recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to cleanse your body, for this it is best a few days before the Veil to adhere to fasting, giving up meat, fish, eggs and other forbidden foods. If you have enough strength, you can starve before the holiday. In the morning on the Pokrov, you must wash your body with cool water.
  2. To clear your mind, you need to get rid of all negative thoughts. It is recommended to think about your life, remembering all past relationships. Forgive your former guys and wish them happiness. To meet her true love, a girl must be free, having no connections with the past.
  3. Another important stage of preparation is cleaning the house, for which it is recommended to carry out a spring cleaning. Then it is recommended to smoke all the incense and sprinkle the corners with holy water. Still it is possible to walk on perimetre of the dwelling with the lighted candle, reading prayers.

A girl can pray for the Protection of Marriage before the icon of the house or in the church, but it sounds like this:

"Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, receive this prayer from me, unworthy of your servant, and lift it up to the Throne of God your Son, may He be merciful to our requests. I seek refuge with You as our intercessor: hear us praying to you, cover us with your veil, and ask God for your all blessings from God: to the spouses of love and consent, to the children - to obedience, to offended - to patience, to grieving - to complacency, to all of us - the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

Keep me from pride and vanity, give me the desire for diligence and bless my labors. As the Law of the Lord our God commands people to live in fair marriage, bring me, Mother of God, to him, not to please my desire, but to fulfill the destiny of our Holy Father, for He Himself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and by creating him a wife as an assistant, he blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth.

The Most-Holy Theotokos, hear a humble prayer from the depths of my maiden's heart: give me the wife of an honest and godly man, that we in love with him and in accord will glorify You and the merciful God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever . Amen".

In addition to praying for the Protection of the Day of Marriage, it will be interesting to know about the signs associated with the love relationship. For example, it was believed that if a girl cheerfully hold this holiday, then, soon she will certainly meet a good guy. About the amount of snow falling on Pokrov was judged on the weddings, which will be played next year. This relationship is due to the fact that the first snow was compared with a wedding veil. More on the number of brides judged by the strength of the wind on this holiday. In the event that a guy takes care of a girl for the Protection, it means that soon he will become her fiancé. Long ago people believed that a girl who, on this Orthodox holiday, would be the first to put a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God in the church, would marry the fastest. At the same time, it is worthwhile to say a prayer for a quick marriage to the Pokrov:

"Cover-Mother, cover the earth with a snowball, and me with a young kerchief."

Divination and love rituals for the Protection

On the eve of October 14, the girls, before going to bed, asked the Higher Powers to help them see their betrothed. For this, going to bed, it is necessary to utter such a conspiracy:

"Zorka - lightning, a red maiden, Mother Most Holy Mother of God! Cover my sorrows and your sickness with a veil! Bring me a mocked mummer. "

It will be interesting to know not only how to pray for the Protection of Marriage, but also how to guess on the betrothed. For this, single girls baked a small loaf of rye flour and crumpled a bundle of flax. With the onset of darkness, they carried these objects to a barn and put poles, saying such a plot:

"My betrothed, my dear, come to the Riga today, look at your work, from the window, show yourself."

Bread and flax should be left in the barn before dawn and go home. It is important not to talk to anyone on this day. In the morning, you have to go to church for service, and then, treat the bread of the guy you like, and put the thread unnoticed in his pocket. It is important that no one knows about conducting fortune-telling, because nothing will happen. If you manage to implement all the steps of the ritual, then in the near future the guy will respond to feelings with reciprocity.