Old brick

Brick as a building material used for thousands of years. At one time, it lost its value, as a kind of prestigious decoration of the facade and interior walls, and it was tried to hide it in bulk under panels or plaster. But fashion trends are constantly changing and now more and more often the masonry is left open, giving it the opportunity to "breathe", leaving it in sight. Especially popular is the old red brick, which is great for houses decorated in rustic or retro style, loft style. Let's look at some of the most successful ideas on how to apply this ancient, but very interesting material in a modern apartment or house.

Types of antique brick for decoration

  1. This is an ancient brick.
  2. If you want to reproduce an expensive and maximally realistic loft interior in your apartment, and at the same time have enough solid means, then try to purchase the original material, actually made a couple of centuries ago. In this case, you will not get an imitation of the old masonry, but a full wall of real ancient brick. Nobody can reproach the master for forgery, when on most fragments there will be a real stamp of the manufacturer of the 18th and 19th centuries.

    Real bricks to distinguish from imitation is not difficult. They are distinguished by special color overflows, and every crack or cleavage speaks of a centuries-old history. Such material is best suited to give the interior a special charm. The most "generous" is considered a branded antique brick, created in well-known factories, which in our time have not existed for a long time.

  3. Tiles made of old brick.
  4. The original brick, made a century or a decade ago, can be difficult to obtain and it is expensive. Now there are many companies that are engaged in cutting tiles made of material produced in the 19th and even the 18th century. What does the use of this material give to the buyer? The weight of the tile is relatively lighter and therefore it is more convenient to use it for facing the facade and internal walls. But while it is durable, well resists weather and ultraviolet, can stand in the masonry a couple of centuries.

    Tiles can also have a real old brand and seemingly nothing in the walls to differ from the whole brick. You can buy clean and untreated spoon, as well as bouncing elements, inner plates, corner elements. In the masonry they will look original and realistic. All these fragments are unique and have their own history. They are made with the help of kiln firing from clay, in which there are absolutely no harmful impurities.

  5. Artificial brick in the old days.
  6. Naturally, this type of building material can not be compared with the finishing of walls with original antique brick, but in most cases it will be suitable for ordinary citizens who can not afford to purchase expensive artifacts. Using different approaches, manufacturers sometimes achieve excellent results, creating a building material that is little inferior to the ancient models.

    The most aged kind has a brick of manual molding. It is made from silty clay, extracted from the bottom of water bodies, which literally hammers into the form with force. The edges of this brick decorate the roughness, cracks, dents, small irregularities, which effectively look in the interior. Not surprisingly, it is the products obtained by the method of manual molding that are most often used for restoration work.

Old brick in the interior

At home, the owners can use this material for a number of works. It is suitable for facing fireplaces, arranging floors in an old style, for decorating sections of walls or complete finishing of rooms. Also, ancient brick is used in the construction of stylish wine cellars, for decoration of arches, columns, doorways, for decoration of facades.