Mini-garden in the pot

Mini-garden is called the composition, which represents the landscape in a miniature form. More often than not, masters create mini-gardens on a certain theme - a rock garden, an oasis in the desert, a magic garden. Not for nothing recently a mini garden in a pot is so popular. With his help on your windowsill you can arrange a small fairy-tale corner - and this is exactly what we often lack in a real pragmatic world. And we'll tell you how to make a mini-garden with your own hands.

Mini-garden on the windowsill: creating an idea

Before you break a garden-miniature, you should decide on the style. Fortunately, in floristics there are many directions: English garden, tropics, desert, a corner with a gazebo or swing, in the form of a garden, etc. We recommend to put on paper a rough outline of your future mini-garden. It can have a variety of elements - fences and fences, paths, stone compositions, benches, even a house, that is all that happens in a real garden.

Mini-garden in the apartment: choose a container

To create a mini-garden there is no need to look for a special container, it can be any container in which you can make drainage holes. For the garden suitable ordinary bowls, buckets, tubs. Naturally, for home conditions it is better to choose a large flower pot. Fill the container for the mini-garden first with a layer of pebbles or expanded clay, then with high quality soil mixed with sand or compost. The earth should not be covered from the edge of the pot by 1.5-2 cm - for irrigation.

Mini-garden in the pot: flowers and decorative elements

The choice of colors for a mini-garden depends on its theme. Since the plants will be in the same pot, you should choose plants with similar conditions of care. For example, a mini garden of cacti is usually used to create a rocky or deserted corner. Also in a similar style is a mini garden of succulents. In particular, you can use such species as molodilo, redsula, haworthia, cleansing and others. In the composition it is recommended to include various types of stones, pebbles, limestone or shellfish.

To recreate the angle of the park landscape, you can use those varieties of ivy, in which small leaves, fittonium, dwarfish cypresses, myrtle, Selaginella Krause, Tradescantia, Tolstyan, moss. It is important to decorate the garden with various decorative elements: miniature copies of furniture, figurines, gazebos, swings, bridges, benches made of wire, fences of broken glass and small pebbles, driftwood and tree branches.

In a medium-sized pot it is enough to place 4-6 plants. You should water the mini-garden 1-2 times a week. It is recommended to place the container in a well-lit place. As the flowers grow, they should be pruned.

A small home garden can be created in an ordinary bottle or in a beautiful glass container.