Lake Biwa

When going on a trip to Japan , be sure to visit the freshwater lake of Biwa or Biwa-ko (Lake Biwa). This is the largest reservoir of the country, which is famous for its clear and transparent water.

general information

Tourists often wonder where the lake of Biwa is. It is located on the largest island of Japan - Honshu, in its western part and belongs to Shiga Prefecture. This pond is considered sacred, the aborigines put about him poems and legends, revered and feared, and here there were numerous battles and battles between the samurai.

In the past, Lake Biwa was considered the main asset of Kyoto , and today it is the main reservoir of fresh water for the city and small settlements. It was formed about 4 million years ago and was called Omi. It is the oldest reservoir on the planet, which is only second only to Tanganyika and Baikal.

In the Middle Ages, the main paths that connected the coasts of the two seas here passed. Even in the Edo period, the oldest walking route of Kisokaido (Nakasendo), about 500 km long, was laid across the lake. He connected between Kyoto and Tokyo .

Description of the pond

The modern name came from a national musical instrument (close to the lute), because his sounds are remotely similar to the sound of waves. The map of Japan shows that the lake of Biwa resembles this object in its form.

Some 400 different rivers flow into the reservoir, but only one follows - the Set (or Iodo). The total length is 63.49 km, the width is 22.8 km, the maximum depth is 103.58 m, and the volume is 27.5 cubic meters. km. The whole territory of the lake has an area of ​​670.4 square meters. km. The biwa is high enough above sea level - 85.6 m, but it is not considered high altitude.

The lake is located on an intermontane tectonic basin and conditionally divided into 2 parts: the southern (shallow water) and the northern (deeper). There are 4 islands on the territory of Biava:

There are also such large cities as Otsu and Hikone, as well as the port of Nagahama. Surround the pond with picturesque mountain ranges. During the rainy season, the water level rises a few meters.

What is the famous lake of Biwa?

The pond is rich in interesting facts:

  1. The water temperature here is the same at any level. Scientists conducted an experiment, laying on the very bottom of hermetically sealed polyethylene bags, which contained rice. It turned out that this cereal can retain all its properties for 3 years.
  2. On the territory of the Biava, you can meet 1100 different fauna representatives, including and on the coast, where 58 species live. Every year, up to 5,000 waterfowl come here.
  3. In the lake there is mining of excellent pearls, which has medicinal properties and plays an important economic role.
  4. It is a navigable reservoir, through which, in 1964, the Great Bridge was laid, which connects Moriyama and Otsu.
  5. In the lake cages, the locals breed fish. Carp, carp, trout, roach, etc. are grown here.
  6. The fields around the Biwa are planted with rice - the main product for local residents.
  7. On the islands, edible chrysanthemums are grown, which are used for sashimi and tempura.
  8. The lake is mentioned in a mythological Japanese fairy tale called Tavara Toda.
  9. Every year there is a traditional competition - Man-Bird.
  10. The reservoir is part of the protected nature conservation zone of Biwako.

The photos taken at Lake Biwa in Japan are characterized by the beauty and beauty that always pleases travelers.

How to get there?

From the city of Kyoto to the reservoir, you can take a car along the route number 61 and along the street Sanjo Dori. The distance is about 20 km.

If you travel by public transport, it is most convenient to take buses following the line Keihan-Ishiyamasakamoto Line and Keihan-Keishin Line, as well as Kosei Line. The journey takes up to 1 hour.