How to restore suede shoes?

Shoes from nubuck and suede is a stylish accessory for any fashionista. However, care for suede shoes needs a special, thorough and constant. In order for the shoes to keep their original appearance, it must be treated with special means and cleaned in time. But if it's too late to look after, suede shoes have lost their original appearance, then we should ask ourselves how to update it.

To do this, it's useful:

Difficult to remove dirt can be treated stain remover. Foam is applied to the stains and distributed with a napkin. After 2 minutes it is erased, and the shoes are dried. Restoration of suede shoes is carried out with the help of ammonia. 1 tsp. alcohol mixed with 5 tsp. water, then a brush dipped in this solution, the shoes are processed. Then brush up the villi suede. Or you can restore it in a water bath, the shoes are hung over it for boiling water, and then it is wiped with a napkin.

How to return the color and restore the suede shoes?

Restoration of color can only be done after cleaning the material. To do this, you need an aerosol paint spray, the required color. The paint is distributed at a distance of 20 cm, after which the shoes are dried and processed with a rubber brush or eraser.

Suede is a very durable material. It will soon lose its original appearance, rather than wear. But do not immediately throw it away, the output will be the restoration of suede shoes. Restoration is possible both at home by popular methods, and in a professional workshop. With the help of special compounds old stains are removed, eliminated unpleasant odors , you can update the color, including light colors. Too worn parts are replaced, for example, with zippers, heels, soles and various accessories.

It is very important to observe all the stages of restoration, as restoring the color of suede shoes, this does not mean that it will look the same as with the purchase. It is important to do a complete cleaning, wash the suede shoes , remove all stains, greasy places, raise the pile. But above all, you need to take care of it properly with an enviable regularity. Suede shoes deserve to be fought for, especially if it's a favorite pair.