How to celebrate a birthday in nature?

People who were born in the warm season, have the advantage of choosing a place to celebrate the name day. Where can I celebrate a birthday in the summer, as not in nature. In this scenario, there are many advantages: there is no need to look for chic outfits, the table is allowed without special rules, and most importantly - in the fresh air a person feels relaxed and the rest will be a success.

Decoration for birth in nature

When choosing a place, you can stop at a forest clearing, a river bank, a lake or any water body, rent a room in a tourist center. From the menu the most popular is to bake shish kebab, fish, homemade sausages on a brazier, skewers or a lattice. For a picnic, salads from fresh vegetables, lavash rolls, canapés are great. For dessert you need to bring pies, rolls, tubes with condensed milk.

A merry birthday in nature should be accompanied by entertainment. It can be mobile games with the ball, relay races, competitions with prizes. Active games need to be combined with intellectual comic quizzes, which you can conduct without getting up from the table.

You can arrange a treasure search, a dance or a dance show, or organize a performance guess the melody, the joke contest, the show of tricks. It is necessary to take a tape recorder with you to provide guests with music and dancing. If there is a musician in the company, then the guitar is an ideal option for gathering around the fire.

When there is a pond next to it, you will definitely find someone who wants to go fishing. You can offer as an entertainment shooting from a pneumatic gun. Evening is better to finish with fireworks, salutes, run Chinese lanterns.

Birthday on the nature will combine the holiday with a pleasant holiday. A picturesque place, beautiful photos, birds singing will leave wonderful memories for a long time.