Fear of loneliness - causes of panic fear of loneliness

In medicine, many mental disorders are identified, which are called phobias. Each case requires an individual approach and competent treatment under the supervision of an experienced specialist. The fear of loneliness is called autophobia.

What is autophobia?

Autophobia is a mental disorder that is based on the fear of being alone with oneself. Sometimes it is called monophobia or isolophobia. Autophobia, like other psychiatric disorders, is important as soon as possible to identify and begin treatment. Such patients are not just afraid to be alone, but often think about suicide. Therefore, timely measures can not just get rid of fear, but can save a person's life. According to statistics, among patients with autophobia, most suicides are found.

Autophobia - symptoms

Initial symptoms can manifest in early childhood. The kid, being alone with himself, experiences a feeling of fear and insecurity, and manifests it with tears and hysteria. The somatic manifestation of pathology is expressed by neurodermatitis and other skin diseases. With admission to school, the fear of loneliness increases, the phobia becomes more stable. Schoolchildren are afraid to be alone with their problems and difficulties, and most often fall into "bad companies".

As adults grow older, they begin to be afraid to remain alone in adulthood, not finding their mate. If everything turned out well, the autophobe got married, his disease manifested pathological jealousy towards his partner. In addition to personal life, patients experience difficulties in working life. Light and medium degree of pathology is not very noticeable for others.

The main features include:

Why do people fear loneliness?

Many psychologists believe that the fear of loneliness arises in infancy due to a lack of parental attention, the lack of physical and emotional contact on their part. Progress is observed if the child was in this condition until the age of three. If the disease manifests itself in adulthood, this can be facilitated by:

Fear of loneliness - psychology

Experts are sure that at least once in a lifetime each person felt the fear of loneliness. Most people, realizing that this is not a verdict, successfully coped with it and found real friends, created families and live happily ever after. Those who were "conquered" by the phobia of loneliness, became hostages of the situation. This pathology is the most severe and common in the modern world, behind which there are a number of problems, for example:

Fear of loneliness in women

The main reason why women are afraid of loneliness is a very low self-esteem, formed in childhood and adolescence. As a rule, this attitude towards oneself was caused by repeated ridicule of others, including the opposite sex, about appearance, weight category, academic performance at school. Growing up, not every woman can really assess the situation, so she remains in the soul of a teenager unsure of herself. In such situations, she firmly believes that no one will seriously take it, she does not let anyone close to her.

Fear of loneliness in men

Like women, men are afraid of loneliness, although they have several other reasons for this. They are more careful in the attachment to the girl and do not really want to change habits. If a woman by nature needs to take care of relatives, a man's fear of loneliness is a fear that nobody will look after him. Some pathologies are so strong that they are ready to invite a lady to move to him a couple of days after the first meeting.

How to stop being afraid of loneliness?

Sometimes it is problematic to recognize pathology, even for an experienced doctor. To determine the ailment, specialists have developed many questionnaires, questionnaires and guidelines. In addition, a personal interview with a patient helps to identify pathology to qualified psychotherapists. A person who is afraid of loneliness should undergo a course of psychotherapy. Sessions are conducted in the team and in private. The patient needs to understand that the treatment of a phobia is long, sometimes it takes up to 3 years of regular sessions. In severe cases, the patient is prescribed medication.

How to overcome the fear of loneliness by yourself? According to experts, awareness of the problem at an early stage is already a success. They recommend not to shut themselves up, but share their fears with close people. In addition, it is worth to visit the sports sections, go with friends on a trip. Positive emotions and vivid impressions will help to return to normal life and get rid of phobia.